Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Children’s Books

Well looky there, it’s Tuesday!  So I am going to copy off of Emily and participate in Top Ten Tuesday over at Oh Amanda’s place.  Inspired by the Usborne Books party I had last night, I am going to regale you with my Top Ten favorite Usborne kids’ books!  Reading and books in general, but Usborne books in particular, have been very instrumental in my work with Sophie in helping her catch up in regards to her speech delay.  I LOVE THEM. In no particular order, here are my top ten faves:

1) That’s Not my Lion (et al!)

This is a great book from the “touchy-feely” series. I like all it’s companion books equally. We have That’s Not My…Baby, Dolly, Dinosaur, Train, and Monkey as well. This is a great series for babies and toddlers to feel textures and learn descriptive vocabulary. They are cute and kids love them!

2) Going to the Dentist Sticker Book

This book and all the books from the “First Experiences” series is awesome! It explains so perfectly what happens on a trip to the dentist. I got it specifically for Sophie to prepare her for her first trip and it worked like a CHARM. My wild and crazy girl was super-excited to be just like the kids in the book and she did AWESOME at her first cleaning and exam! Plus the stickers just made the book even more fun for her. Some of her other favorites are the Going to School Sticker Book and Going to the Doctor Sticker Book. These First Experiences books are awesome for preparing your preschooler for life’s big changes and they are available in non-sticker versions too.

3) See Inside Your Body

This is an awesome book for teaching your school-ager about how the body works. Joshua loves it! It has a ton of flaps to lift – it’s very interactive, wonderfully illustrated, and really a great tool for teaching about how we’re made and why and how we work on the inside.

4) The Mini Children’s Bible

This is one of my favorite purchases ever. I really wanted to present Bible stories to Sophie in a way she could understand without buying a bazillion different Bible story books. This Bible has them all and is really well illustrated. It tells the stories on a great level for kids and we are having a great time reading through the Bible stories together.

5) Finger Rhymes

I looooove this little book.  “Itsy-Bitsy Spider” and a bunch more cute rhymes with the finger motions.  Even at 4 Sophie still loves doing all these with me, and I know it’s a favorite of Emily’s Sammy as well.  It’s a winner and a really fun read and activity with your toddler or preschooler!

6) The New Baby

This is also a “First Experiences” book, but I thought it warranted it’s own mention. I used this ad nauseum to prepare Sophie for Jonah’s arrival, and I think it really helped!  Also, *bonus* it tastefully depicts the mom breastfeeding.

7) Science Beginners Set 4

I love this set of five books, and so does Joshua.  They explain some of these topics that he’s really interested in an fun and easy to read and comprehend way. Great illustrations, too!  Joshua also loves the Beginner series on dinosaurs, reptiles, and other animals.

8) What’s Happening on the Farm?

This is a great book to encourage kids to find, count, and observe. It’s great for learning to answer “WH” questions and the illustrations are great. A very interactive book to read with your little one. And, it’s part of a “What’s Happening” series, so there are several others to go along with it.

9) Sleeping Beauty sticker book

Sophie is really into princesses (finally!) and I love the way Usborne tells these stories. Simple, not scary, and the stickers make the story interactive and fun. I am definitely going to buy the other Princess sticker stories as well.

10) Getting Dressed (Magnet Version)

This book, chock full o ‘magnets, is lots of fun and was very instrumental in teaching Sophie the names of items of clothing, where they go, and what season they are appropriate for. AND then after she learned all that, she had (and still has) fun dressing up the book characters however she wants. I highly recommend all the magnet books!

Well, those are my 10 faves!  But I could go on…I love Usborne books.  If you don’t have your own Usborne consultant and you want to buy any of these, you can order from this link on my show until Friday, and the books will be shipped right to your door.

For more Top Ten Tuesday, check out Oh Amanda!

What are YOUR favorite Usborne books?

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9 Replies to “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Children’s Books”

  1. Hi there! I (and my kids) LOVE the Usborne touchy-feely books! Those are ones that I don’t mind reading over and over…and over because they are so cute!!
    Great list! Just visiting from TTT! 🙂

  2. @Runnermom, The touchy feely books are great, So I agree with you!

    I like this post! I ended up doing a top ten book list too! But all my books are based in Maine 🙂
    Have a great day!


  3. I really do like the Usborne books. Lydia has that body book and it is SO cool! I also like the encyclopedias (I think is just a compilation of all those science ones you mentioned) b/c there have internet links to look up, too.

    Thanks for linking up! 🙂


  4. i am an usborne book independent consultant…i love the books as well…truth be told i got into it just to build my own collection and to share how wonderful they are!!! i love all the above mentioned and would like to add the illustrated stories from dickens…i even enjoyed reading them!!

  5. Yep! I love Usborne! We use all kinds of Usborne books for school, but those are for older kids. It’s great to see a list of books for the little ones.

  6. I heart Usborne books! Some of our favorites are: Diggers Lift and Look book, Jobs People Do, the Flip Flap Farm book and The Complete Book of Farmyard Tales. The lady I used to buy them from does not sell them anymore.

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