Things I love Thursday: Playing Outside

Here in Ohio the temperature’s been vacillating between cold-as-balls and hot-as-Hades (and now we’re throwing in some torrential downpours just for kicks). Memorial Day weekend it was on the hot side, and while I could have done without the humidity, it was great to get the kids outside and let them run. We discovered a new favorite outside toy, and that got me thinking about all the fun outdoor toys we’ve accumulated over the years. I thought I’d share a few of our favorites, and I hope you will do the same!

Here’s the one we discovered this weekend – the Banzai Wiggling Water Sprinkler.

I picked it up at Target on a whim Sunday because we were having friends over, and it was a hit! It’s basically a long foam plastic rope with little ropes jutting out of it, and as the name implies, it wiggles when you turn on the water (although it gets a bit crazy when you turn it on full-blast!). The kids thought it was great fun, and I especially liked it because they could all play in the water at the same time, rather than having to wait and take turns!

Along those same lines, last summer we bought the Ultimate Beach Ball Sprinkler.

I’ve actually never seen this one in action, but Andy (who is home all summer, not like lame-o mom who has to work!) and the kids think it’s great. And really, doesn’t it just look fun?

We bought the Little Tikes Jump n’ Double Slide a couple years ago, and kids of all ages have had a lot of fun with it.

It’s a bit pricey, but for birthday parties and picnics and days when the kids really need to get some energy out (or we need them to get some energy out), it’s been well worth the money. Little Tikes also has amazing customer service, which I posted about here a long time ago!

Kate got this sand and water table for her second birthday.

We’ve had it for four years, and it’s still good as new. I love, love, love that they can play in the sand (and the water) without sitting in it. Sammy’s really loving the table this year, and we haven’t even put water in it yet! I also love the cover and the umbrella.

Last but not least, the old stand-by, sidewalk chalk.

This is a summer must-have at our house. Kate loves to decorate the sidewalk. And the trees, for that matter. With the exception of bubbles, another must-have, I can’t think of anything as simple and inexpensive, yet creative and engaging as plain old chalk!

Those are some of our summer favorites, but we’re always on the lookout for more! I’d love to hear what your kids (and you!) enjoy doing outside on those long summer days.

For more Things I Love Thursday fun, head over to the Diaper Diaries!

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10 Replies to “Things I love Thursday: Playing Outside”

  1. dude I am totally getting the wiggle sprinkler! and I can testify that your Little Tykes bouncy house is THE BOMB!

  2. We bought that same wiggling sprinkler this weekend too – also on a whim, but at meijer. It even enticed the teenage cousins to get in on the water action with our 3 year old B. My DH also loves that it waters much of the lawn while they play – dual purpose!

  3. Great products! A friend of ours has the first ones, and it was a hit with us as well! We have a smaller bounce house and a different sprinkler, and of course we love sidewalk chalk!

  4. What cool ideas! My kids were just playing with the hose earlier today and I was thinking of getting something for them to play in. I’ll have to see if I can find them. 😀

  5. We had the ball that sprayed water until it met an early death from natural causes (*read got run over by the lawn mower -don’t ask*) and it was a blast. I would really like to get the boys a bouncy house. They LOVE them!!

  6. Josie just got that exact same chalk for her birthday! I love the 3 ring pool that Josie got a couple years ago…but to my dismay only 1 ring now blows up so off to get another pool!! We also love the water table that little tikes makes…we just love being outside…OH and we are growing a garden this year again so Josie L-O-V-E-S planting, growing, picking and just plain playin’ in the dirt!

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