Things I Love Thursday: Go Fish Guys


(Cortney and me with the Go Fish Guys at the Hearts at Home conference)

This past weekend at Hearts at Home our entertainment was Go Fish! When they first came out on stage, I was really confused. I was expecting some praise music or contemporary singer, and what I got was three dudes in suits jumping around and acting silly. At first I was like, “umm…what!?! This is lame!” And THEN I realized they were singing KIDS’ MUSIC. And then I totally got it, and relaxed and had a great time! I mean I have never rocked out so hard to the B-I-B-L-E. Cortney and I were pretty much gettin’ down with our bad selves!

By the end of their set, the Go Fish Guys had totally won me over. They are super-talented and fun. They sing a great mix of Sunday school songs, traditional preschool songs, and original music. I bought two of their CDs and the kids and I have had a great time listening to them over the past few days. Sophie especially loves their version of “If You’re Happy and You know it” (in which she and I look totally cute waving our hands in the air and jumping around like we just don’t care!)

I really love Go Fish! It is great kids’ music that you won’t HATE and your kids will LOVE! To see what other bloggers love, check out Things I Love Thursday at the Diaper Diaries and give Jill some love cause she just popped out a baby boy on Tuesday!

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5 Replies to “Things I Love Thursday: Go Fish Guys”

  1. Didn’t go fish used to be a card game? And Thanks to Jenny for all her help today!!


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