Everyone’s a-twitter…

About Twitter. Except me. I don’t get it! I signed up for it about one day before I had Sam, and I stared at the screen for a few minutes before giving up, and I haven’t been back. I keep getting emails saying people are “following” me on it, but that must be pretty thrilling because I’m not going anywhere. It must be fun, though, because it seems like everyone’s doing it. So will someone explain it to me?

I am hoping to get hooked on this Twitter thing, because my current internet addiction has become the victim of an upgrade. Has anyone been on Urban Baby in the past 12 hours?? W. T. F. No one has had an idea that great since New Coke. I’m seriously upset by this, but it’s a good thing I am on maternity leave or I would be staging an uprising. So if you UB dummies are reading this, which I’m sure you’re not, PUT IT BACK.

And in other completely random news, does anyone think that The Office hasn’t been as good after the writers’ strike? I hate to say it, but it’s true. Except for when Jim said he bought an engagement ring a week after he and Pam started dating… that was about the sweetest tv moment ever. But in general, I think The Office is spending too much time out of the office.

And that, my friends, is as deep as my thinking gets these days.

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3 Replies to “Everyone’s a-twitter…”

  1. I watch The Office also. I feel they are also spending way too much time out of the office, but they started doing this before the strike. Remmeber the Gift Baskets and the Restuarant? And what about Dwight’s homestead, asn’t it before the strike?
    I love the Office, and hopefully they will get back to the office soon, because I too am starting to get a little disappointed.

  2. It’s all greek to me. Seriously. I do not know what Twitter is…I have never been on Urban Baby…until now. I have never seen The Office.
    See Emily, you may not be thinking to deep these days, but some of us are completely out of the loop. I’m working on it 🙂

  3. Without delving too deeply into it, initially, it seems like the perfect site for stalkers….”what are you doing?”, “following you”, etc. etc.

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