Can’t Blog Now…

I gotsta get out the door to meet Emily so we can get on our way to IKEA!!!

Stay tuned for the story…if we live to tell it!

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10 Replies to “Can’t Blog Now…”

  1. Love IKEA. Must plan trip. Kiddos even behave there with the promise of Swedish meatballs and pink lemonade if they make it through my buyathon without screaming too many times.

  2. Ok girls, I’ll be looking at my Enquirer tomorrow morning for this headline:

    Local Woman Gives Birth in IKEA
    Inpired, Names Twins Ingrid and Lars

    Can’t wait to see pix! Eat lotsa meatballs!

  3. OK – I hadn’t seen your post on Ikea yet. We went on the grand opening day and the traffic was baked up on I-75. I told my friend we needed to go a back way, she said, “Yeah, some woman had her baby, that’s why the traffic was backed up..” I seriously thought it was you guys!!

  4. I can’t wait to hear about your trip. My sister works at the same exit as IKEA and has been complaining about the traffic.

  5. No twins for Em – I’ve seen her recently and she’s not as big as she thinks she is.


    But since we’re all waiting to hear what flavor that baby is, I couldn’t write an accurate headline.

    Still digging the Swedish names, though!

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