Apparently My Teeth are Very Sympathetic

True story: when I was 19 years old, I had an appointment to get my wisdom teeth surgically removed. But then I got a kickin’ summer job so I had to cancel the appointment. Because I am an idiot and a scaredy cat, i never re-scheduled the appointment, which was really dumb because back then my parents and their insurance would have paid for it.

About four years later, when Bobby and I were newlyweds, he started getting his wisdom teeth in. For whatever reason, he had never had his out either, and getting them in was pretty painful. I know this, because within a couple of days of his bothering him mine started coming in too!! Isn’t that weird??? It hurt like a mother!! We loaded up on Advil and Orajel and eventually it subsided.

Fast forward to three-and-a-half years later, when Joshua was about six months old. He got four teeth within a month, and guess what? My bottom left wisdom tooth started coming in at the same time. This time, it hurt even more than before! It just throbbed and throbbed. Now I understood why babies are so undone by teething. It flippin’ kills! Once agan I loaded up on Advil and Orajel. This time, it took a couple of weeks to really dissipate. It hurt, BAD, and I was much grumpier about my teething troubles that Joshua was about his!

Jumping another four years into the present, it is now Sophie who is teething. She has, at the ripe old age of 19 months, six teeth, but right now she is working really hard on two more. Wouldn’t you know it, about two days ago, my bottom right wisdom tooth decided it was time to come out and play. It is fairly irritating, but so far not as bad as it has been in the past. I am crossing my fingers that it doesn’t get there! Sophie and I both throwing teething tantrums will not be a pretty sight!

My last dental cleaning a few months ago was with a new dentist. She took a look at my x-rays and said, “What’s an old lady like you doing with wisdom teeth?” She knows how to charm ’em. But anyways, seeing as my kids have lots of years of getting and losing and getting new teeth ahead of them, I am gonna price having these babies out as soon as Sophie is weaned! I am way too wimpy (as well as too old) for this teething stuff!

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3 Replies to “Apparently My Teeth are Very Sympathetic”

  1. Ugh!! I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago and the pain of the surgery was so minimal compared to the wrenching pain of those dang tetth coming in! Good Luck!

  2. OK…that is really crazy?!? I wonder if there is any truth to that? Like how girls who live together will all have their monthly cycles match up? That’s just too weird!!

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