Return to Dew Mountain

So, yesterday I got out of the house FINALLY after the huge snow we had this week, and of course I went straight to CVS. Ok, that’s a lie. First I went to drop off some jeans to get hemmed but ONLY because it’s I have to drive past that shop to get to CVS. Oh, and did I mention my DADDY drove me in his 4-wheel drive? Yes, this CVS run was that important! Can you guess what I got? It wasn’t the most profitable transaction ever, but sometimes you gotta dew what you gotta dew.


Five 12-packs of Mountain Dew $3.34 each = $16.70(I already put on in the fridge when I took this picture. Couldn’t waste any time!)
Four L’eggs pantyhose clearance at $1.25 each! WOOHOO! (Couldn’t pass those up!) $5
Two Gatorade/Propel $1.25 each = $2.50
Tostitos $3
Fusion Gamer razor $7.99
Total = $35.19

I only had two coupons! A Rite Aid $5/$25 and a $4 Fusion q
Total = $26.19
I used 24 ECB and paid $3.05 on a CVS gift card, and got back 14 ECB – 10 for the Pepsi products and 4 for the razor!


How did YOU dew (I can’t stop myself!) this week? For more couponing adventures, check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer or Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom.

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I Can Haz Mountain Dew? No?

I only went to CVS once this week – crazy huh? The deals just weren’t too exciting and although I am feeling much better, I still haven’t regained 100% of my incessant desire to CVS shop all the time. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that there is a huge ECB deal on Pepsi products and I am still not drinking Mountain Dew, and it makes me VERY SAD! My mom brought me a 2-Liter when I was depressed last week, and I had one out to eat, but other than that I have been a very good girl. But anyways – you will see that I DID purchase a 2-liter on this transaction, but it’s for a dinner we are attending Sunday for our house church – we’re bringing the drinks. Perhaps with my Christian community holding me accountable I will be able to abstain from Dew at the dinner. (ha ha!) We shall see. Anyhoo – here’s what I got:

6 cents

4 2-Liters of Pepsi products $5
8 Propel/Gatorade $15
1 Skippy $1.67
1 CVS baby wipes $2.99
Total = $24.66
Coupons: Rite Aid $5/$25 (my CVS take competitor q’s and the manager rounded up my total for me – I had planned to buy some Lays chips as part of the Pepsi deal which would have put me over, but they were out of them)
$3 off CVS brand q
60 cents off Skippy q
Total = $16.06

I paid with 16 ECB, paid 6 cents cash, and got back 10 ECB for the Pepsi/Propel/Gatorade products!

Next, I did this, because my particular hubby likes the yellow Axe body wash and it is never on sale!

53 cents

2 Axe body wash $10
2 Skippy $3.34
1 CVS baby wipes $2.99
Total $16.33
CVS $3/$15 (expired, my CVS takes them for 30 days)
Two 40-cents off Skippy q’s
$3 off CVS brand q

Total = $9.53
I paid with 9 ECB and 53 cents cash, and got back 3 ECB for the Axe.

Nothing too exciting, but not bad! Hope you did great this week! To see how everyone else did, check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom!

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When Savings Lead to Giving

This weekend I’m taking part in a blog blast sponsored by the Parent Bloggers Network and the Quaker Oats Company to spread the word about their Start With Substance campaign to donate up to one million bowls of oatmeal to those in need! Check out the Start With Substance Website to see how YOU can help make it happen!

donating blood glucose monitors

Quaker has challenged bloggers to write about how our families have helped others or will be helping others in 2009. I’ve written (approximately) a million times in my life about how couponing has been a blessing to me and my family. But one of the things I love most about couponing is that it’s allowed us to be a blessing to others. Before couponing, we didn’t have resources to just give to people in need. Now, while we still may not have wads of cash to give away, we can meet material needs with all the extras I get through couponing.

Take the blood glucose monitors pictured above, for instance. I get these for free with coupons and usually “make money” on them via rebate or CVS ExtraCare bucks. No one in my family has diabetes, so we donate them to our local non-profit Hospice. Their patients use them only a short time, and since these items can’t be re-used, re-stocking them can be costly. Last year we donated about 15 of these, and this year as you can see, I already have a stack ready to take over there. I believe they do very valuable work there, and I feel great about donating to them.

In 2008, because of couponing, my family donated hundreds of dollars of toiletries, cleaning products, and hygiene items to local women’s shelters, church efforts, and just individuals that we or friends knew of who were down on their luck. These items can mean a lot because you see, food stamps only buy food. They won’t buy paper towels, diapers, or Lysol. I’ve given deodorant to a grateful mom of three stinky teenage boys and a bag full of makeup to a twenty-year-old girl who couldn’t afford to buy it for herself and was overjoyed to get it, and diapers and wipes to a family at my mom’s church who took in the THREE young kids of a relative who was too busy doing drugs to care for her kids. I can be generous, giving away what we have because I know through couponing, I can always get more. But the people I’m giving to can’t.

It’s so fun to be able to make someone’s day with the little things. And the beauty of it is, of course, that it’s not costing me money out-of-pocket, that more often than not I’m able to turn my drugstore shopping into a profitable venture. So everyone wins, needs are met, hearts are blessed.

That’s what coupons can do for ya! What’s not to love!? When savings lead to giving, it’s a beautiful thing.

And just to keep it real, I need to let y’all know that this post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company. If I win, HUGE party at my place, and you’re all invited. So, ya know, cross your fingers!

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