Anxiety of the Kindergarten Variety

The past couple of weeks I’ve been a *wee* bit stressed out about two big things concerning my son Joshua. These things go together like peas & carrots: the first is that I have to get him registered for kindergarten and the second is that he will be five this Friday. FIVE years old?? When did that happen?

The kindergarten stuff is pretty complicated and not something I really want to blog about until it’s more said & done. But I allowed myself to get pretty worked up about the process, to the point where I had to have my sweet, calming husband actually go with me one day to fill out paperwork. Don’t ask, I’ll explain it at a later date, I promise.

Now all the paperwork and stuff I’ve had to fill out is done and I just have to wait on other people. This has allowed me to move on to freaking out about Joshua’s upcoming birthday festivities. I was so wrapped up in the kindergarten crap that I forgot to send an evite, so if you are a family member reading this, give me a call and I’ll tell you when the party is. Let’s hope someone shows or Joshua might not ever forgive me!

I haven’t even had time to freak out about his cake yet, because I never asked him what kind of party he wanted until two days ago. Thankfully, he said he wanted a Thomas the Tank Engine party…AGAIN! I was relieved because at this point I think I can make a Thomas cake in my sleep I’ve done it so many times. Thanks, kid, for throwing mama a bone!

So, my baby’s growing up and I’m growing more neurotic. I know you’re all shocked! I love the person he has become, but I am so sad that his childhood is flying by so fast. What am I going to do all day without my boy next year?

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