It’s Official: I’m a “Coupon Lady”!

Superbowl Sunday was crazy but I had to hit CVS a couple of times since the CVS $$ off coupons were expiring that day! Here is my first trip, which totaled $57.89 before tax:


I got all of this for just 89 cents out-of-pocket! I used 16 ECBs and got back..are you ready….48.42 in ECBs!!! That’s makin’ money honey!! Here’s how I worked it. I used:
$10/$50 CRT (Cash register tape coupon – printed on a previous receipt)
$5/$30 coupon
$4/$20 coupon
$9.99 off Precision Xtra coupon
$1 of Garnier shampoo coupon
$3 off Excedrin coupon
$2 off Excedrin coupon

I got back $19.99 ECBs for the Precision Xtra monitor (I donate these to our local non-profit hospice), $8.95 for the children’s aspirin, $3.99 for the Garnier, $5.49 for the eyeshadow, and $10 for the Excedrin! Woooo-hoooo!! Definitely one of my best trips ever in terms of money-making! Later in the week I used some of those ECBs to get things I needed but did not have coupons for such as milk, color-safe bleach, and ponytail holders! I also got my sister-in-law Sarah and I some of those Clorox toilet wands – disposable toilet bowl cleaners – something I normally would have NEVER splurged on if I had to use “real” money!! FUN!

I had a funny CVS experience on one of my other trips. One of my favorite cashiers said to me, “I have this OTHER coupon lady…”

(Oh no! I’ve been LABELED! It’s official! I’m a “COUPON LADY”!)

I interrupted her, “Really? Which one do you like better?? Me???”

“Oh you, definitely. You do it the right way. The other lady tries to beat the system. She gives me her $5/$30 coupon and I ring up her whole order, and then she asks me to take things off – making her total below $30 -but still wants to keep her $5 discount!”

“Really?” I said, horrified. “That’s awful! I play fair with my coupons!”

“I know you do!” she said.

So apparently I am the “good” coupon lady in that store. “Bad” coupon lady, whoever you are, CUT IT OUT! Don’t ruin it for me! Geez!

Ok, so my next stop on the Good Coupon Lady World Tour was Kroger’s. Ohh how I love Kroger’s! We didn’t need much this week, but they had Totino’s Pizza Rolls $10/$10 and I had ELEVEN coupons that made them free or almost free when doubled. I got 11 boxes of pizza rolls for $1. BUT WAIT it gets BETTER! These pizza rolls also qualified for a promotion they wre having – buy 10 of a group of participating items, get $2 off your total order. Soooo the 11 boxes of pizza rolls actually cost me -$1! I got a few other groceries and paid a grand total of $9.47 for all this!!



To cap off my week of super savings, last night some girlfriends and I wandered into the Children’s Place after a very un-frugal meal at the Cheesecake Factory, and found Joshua some 4t adjustable waist jeans for just $7.99!! I was so excited, because Children’s Place jeans are my fave but I hadn’t bought him any yet because I didn’t want to spend the money! So I got him two pair for now and one for next year!

Well that’s it for me this week! For more Super Savings from Good Coupon Ladies, be sure to visit Money Saving Mom! To start on your way to your own super savings, check out her Supermarket Savings 101 course here!

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11 Replies to “It’s Official: I’m a “Coupon Lady”!”

  1. Officially a coupon lady, I love it!! Great deal at CVS by the way, and at Kroger. Also not a bad price for jeans, I don’t have a Children’s Place close to my house, which is a bummer, because I love that place.

  2. I plan on doing my first CVS trip EVER this weekend.

    Don’t have a lot of extra money to play with though so it wil be teeny tiny.

    Good job on your savings. I wish I had a Kroger near me! Those pizza rolls are my FAVORITE! And I have a ton of coupons for them too!

  3. I picture you, the good coupon lady, as Glenda the good witch… complete with crown and septor. And, of course the bad coupon lady with green skin, pointed hat, and a broom.

    If I were you I’d have a sash made and wear it EVERY time I went to CVS. And Joshua can carry the radio playing fanfare everytime you entered through the hallowed automatic doors.

    I cant wait until my next trip to Dayton where I can take full advantage of coupon stacking… unlike my ONLY LOCATION IN THE WHOLE DARN COUNTY who does not allow it.

  4. I just want you to know you popped into my head yesterday at Target. The lady in front of us must have had a hundred coupons! She ended up paying 30 something for everything. However, I was a bit peeved since I had a crying toddler with me.

  5. You go girl! I just jumped on the coupon train myself. I can’t wait for Sundays when I can devour the coupons from the paper. I never thought I would be a coupon lady either, but it’s so much fun saving money 🙂

  6. I’m always amazed at the money you save, but what on earth do you do with all that stuff? You usually end up buying aspirin, do you just store it all away – you must have a hundred bottles!!

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