Return to Rite Aid for MORE Freebates!!

Today I went back to Rite Aid to a) get a price adjustment on the PediaCare I got overcharged for and b) pick up a few more freebates!  There are two Rite Aids near my house, and today I went to the one that I did NOT go to Sunday. They were really well-stocked with the freebates and had them all on a display at the front! Yay! Here’s what I got:


Mountain Dew $1.34

Neil Med Naso Gel $5.99

Comtrex $3.99

Nyquil $4.99

Palmer’s lip butter (LOVE this stuff!!!) $1.99

total = $18.30


-$2 Neil Med Naso gel printable

-$4 NyQuil Sinex from recent P&G

-$7 +UP Rewards

total = $5.30 + 93 cents tax = $6.23

I got back a $1.50 +UP Reward for the Nyquil and will get back $11.97 in Single Check Rebates, PLUS there is a manufacturer’s rebate for the Neil Med Naso Gel also which I should gt $5.99 for!  So that’s like…MAJOR PROFIT people!!

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Rite Aid??  What did YOU get this week??

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3 Replies to “Return to Rite Aid for MORE Freebates!!”

  1. I went Monday and got 4 bottles of Gain Laundry detergent, 5 bottles Gain Dish detergent, and 5 tubes Crest toothpaste all for about $4! Sale + Coupons + UP Rewards = One Happy Mama!!

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