Free toilet paper also makes me happy!

I hit Rite Aid again today because a) I only had one kid to drag with me and b) I just put my $31.97 Rite Aid Single Check Rebate check from June in the BANK and 3) I like free toilet paper!  Rite Aid has a great deal on Cottonelle this week and I decided we needed to stock up.  Because a picture of 4 packages of toilet paper isn’t that exciting, I present to you a picture with 4 packages of toilet paper and a cute 1st-grader on his 1st day!


Here’s what I got:
Four 12-double-roll pack of Cottonelle $6.49 each = $25.96


-$5/$25 Rite Aid video values coupon

-$2 two Rite Aid Cottonelle Video Values coupons from July (I am so glad I saved those!)

-$2 two Rite Aid Cottonelle Video Values coupons from August (you can get these now)

-$2 four 50-cent-off Cottonelle printables from

-$7 +UP Rewards from Sunday’s trip to Rite Aid

= $7.96 + $1.12 tax = $9.08 cash

AND I will get back TWO $5 Rite Aid gift cards, one for rebate #10 and one for rebate #148 wheeeee!  So, a profit of 92 cents on that one.  And now I am *SO* stocked up on TP! Woohoo!

** just want to note: my Rite Aid will let me use one video values per item, so I could use the four $1 off coupons. MOST Rite Aids would only let you use one of those coupons at a time (one from July and one from August in my case).  I am glad my Rite Aid is different on this but I try not to go tooooo craaazzy with this.  My husband and I both have Video Values accounts so I could print one coupon from July and one from August from each of our accounts. Clear as mud?  Just so you know, I ain’t tryin’ to be shady. **

Also, reader Amy mentioned on my previous post that the Huggies +UP reward says 1 per household.  I did a Huggies and  Pull-Ups in one transaction and got +UP Rewards for both, which I was pleasantly surprised by!  Anyone else try it and have that good luck?

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One Reply to “Free toilet paper also makes me happy!”

  1. Hi Jenny! Love your shopping trips. I LOVE my coupons and the deals too. I just started blogging about my deals and my crazy kiddos, of course! As soon as I found your site about two weeks ago, I wrote my best friend (since 7th grade) heehee and told her to READ. THIS. BLOG. You are stinkin’ hilarious!!! Reading what you and Emily have to say makes my day. The Greatest Hits stories should be a book! I can’t remember the last time I laughed until I cried…before reading those stories.

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