Dry Erase Marker-palooza at Office Depot!

Today I went on a search for washable dry-erase markers at Office Depot. Before I left the house I signed up w/my email on their website to get a $10 off $20 purchase coupon – wow – and of course checked online to make sure they sold washable dry erase markers in stores (Sophie has recently ruined 3 shirts w/ dry erase markers and not even my trusty Tide or Frigidaire machines could rescue them!) I saw the above marker board listed for $9.49, but I didn’t really need a marker board, so I was just going to buy a 6-pack of the wider-tip washable dry erase markers for $10.49 (they were actually $10.99 in store) and then find something else $10-ish to get me up to $20 to use my coupon. Which was fine with me, because we use dry erase markers every day and that was a decent enough deal w/ coupon.

*BUT THEN* at the store, they had the dry-erase boards with the 6-packs of markers attached for FOUR DOLLARS!! $4!?!? Why? I have no idea! They were on an endcap display. I checked over and over again to make sure I wasn’t seeing things! The fine-tip markers were also $10.99 by themselves but yet they were $4 when packaged WITH A MARKER BOARD!?

Um, yeah, I didn’t have to think about that one too long!

I snagged five of the boards, each w/ six markers, used my $10/$20 coupon, and walked out the door 5 marker boards and 30 washable dry-erase markers richer for $10.65 including tax.

great deal at Office Depot!
What a great surprise! I have no idea how long this price will be good, but if you need either a marker board or some dry-erase markers, go check it out! The marker board is double-sided with lines on the other side so it’s great to practice handwriting, too!

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4 Replies to “Dry Erase Marker-palooza at Office Depot!”

  1. Great find. I’ll have to go check this out myself. If you don’t have a use for all these boards you could donate them to a local high school. A lot of teachers use them to check for understanding when teaching. Especially math teachers. They will give the white boards to all the students and have them do problems on them and hold them up when they’re finished. Then a teacher can look over the room quickly and see who gets it and who needs more help.

  2. Woe- what a FANTASTIC deal! I wish I would have seen this yesterday and I would have made a mad dash to Office Depot (or at least tried to find out if we had one kinda close).

    My kids are 3 & 4 and this would have been a great deal to help with their handwriting. and other drawing practice.

    Way to get an awesome deal!

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