Wordless Wednesday: Changes

Since the day Sam was born, he’s had awesome hair.

As he’s grown, it’s only become more beautiful.

The problem? He hates getting his hair cut.

No really. He hates it.

So to make it quick and end all of our pain as soon as possible, we broke out the clippers. And now he looks (and I feel) like this.

Where did my baby go?

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, visit 5 Minutes for Mom and Wordless Wednesdays.

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14 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday: Changes”

  1. In that first pic, he looks like his papa as a kid, like that 8×10 I gave you. This is the only time I have seen the resemblance- in his sad face!

  2. Such a sad face! As my mother used to say, “It will grow back.” We may have the opposite problem. My little diva sat perfectly still and didn’t want to leave the salon, where do these children come from?

  3. Maybe you should try the sports hair cut place – I forget what it is called but I have seen a couple. It’s all sports stuff and they have ESPN on the TV. Maybe you could find someone who looks like Albert Pujols to cut his hair. At least with the buzz it could take a while before you have to do that again….

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i love baby sammy. i wish i lived closer to him so i could just have conversations with him all the time. he is like a little old baseball-loving man…with awesome hair!

  5. We’re dealing with the same thing with our 3 (almost 4) year old. He’s so sensitive to sound that even the noise from the scissors snipping near his ears makes him burst into tears! Even the mention of clippers sends him into a panic. I try to get the random snip in here and there just to keep things neat, but as of right now, I’m just letting him be. It’s not worth stressing him out over – it’s just hair, after all!

  6. We just had this exact situation at our house with our 3 year old. He will only sit still when his grandma cuts his hair. Unfortunately we just moved 13 hours away from his grandma! I thought about flying her out here, but then we just grabbed the clippers, haha.

  7. What a head of hair your little guy had from the day he arrived! It’s been 4 years and my older son still hates getting his hair cut. I love how you chronicled your hair cutting journey!

  8. what a little angel!! he does have beautiful hair! i could just eat him up! i hope you got to go to the doctor for that bad pain you suffered! babys grow up too fast!!

  9. Well…I guess it is just hair…and it will grow back…but seriously?! I’m going with let it grow until he’s in 3rd grade or so! Sorry Andy…

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