Can I have the terrible twos back?

The “terrible twos” weren’t so terrible this past year for our Sam. He didn’t pitch a lot of fits, he was only in time out a handful of times… it went pretty smoothly. Or at least that’s how I remember it – a trip through the blog archives might tell a different story! But for now I am sticking with my rose colored glasses and saying wistfully “remember when?”

Because three? It’s not shaping up to be so easy.

Sam won’t even turn three for another two and a half weeks, but already I can see changes in his personality. He’s more demanding and more fond of the word “no.” We had a battle of the wills tonight when I assured him he wouldn’t get to watch Return of the Jedi until all his Star Wars figures were cleaned up. He just did not want to do it, and while he finally acquiesced, I wasn’t sure how it was all going to play out.

He’s also been more difficult to get to bed, and this time change is not helping the situation at all. He’s becoming a master at stalling, and continually wants one more drink or one more book or the one that gets me every time – “I want to rock.” And he’s not happy until he’s got both Andy and me in on the bedtime routine… just one of us won’t do!

The last time I went in to rock him tonight, it was nearly 10:00. He fell asleep in my arms almost as soon as I sat down in the rocking chair. That time, though, I wasn’t in as big of a hurry to put him down, and spent a few minutes staring at his sweet little face. I could almost see the tiny newborn baby he once was.

Eventually I put him down and went back into our room. I looked at Andy and said “He’s such a sweet boy… when he’s asleep.”

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9 Replies to “Can I have the terrible twos back?”

  1. The 2s were EASY with Evan – it went down hill when the 3s hit!! And right now, we are enjoying the 2s with Carter. I am not looking forward to the 3s monster coming out in a few months. They become so much more independent and vocal I think around 3! And yes, I have spent a few times, holding on to Evan while he slept to remember my baby boy. But then again – aren’t they all MUCH cuter when they are sleeping and can’t talk back ;-)!! Time does fly!!

  2. Just so you are prepared – there is no “getting over it” since each age just brings its own special joys and challenges! Someone want to come up with a good adjective to go with 13?

  3. You post made me feel so much better. I think we might have a lot more tantrums but I tend to forget about them when I get my bear hug from my two year. We have the bed time battle with the almost 5 year old and almost 3 year old every night. Some nights I feel like I am their room more than mine, but they are so sweet when they are sleeping. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone.

  4. Turning three was the advent of WHINING for a certain little girl in my family with the initials JMBR. What a year!

  5. My girls both had a much harder time with the 3’s also. Those days are long behind us though…they are 11 and 7. We are however having #3 in May. What was I thinking?? 😉

  6. I say that ALL the time with my baby boy- he is so sweet… when he’s asleep.
    We were doing awesome with the 2’s and then we moved about 2 months before he hit 3 and it has all been down hill.
    He won’t sleep like he used to, he won’t do what he’s told, he talks back, he throws more tantrums in 9 months than he did the first 3 years!!
    Oh yea, hate the 3’s!

    Good luck!

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