Week 26 – Please God, don’t let me get huger than this.

Is huger a word? I don’t really think so. Regardless, I really do not want to get huger than I am already.

It’s bad, ladies and gentlemen, and I cannot imagine how much worse it’s going to get. Jenny so kindly told me at Christmas that she doesn’t want to hear it until my belly hits my legs when I walk up the stairs.

I fear this day is not far off.

I am not about to divulge the exact amount of weight I’ve gained, but let’s just say that it’s a lot. And I still have 14 weeks more to go! I asked a friend how I could turn this train around, and she replied, “You’re not driving that train, you’re just riding it.” And something tells me that there’s no way to get off!


Gee, my posts this week have really been uplifting… plane crashes and gianormosity (do you like that one?). Hopefully I will have a better outlook (provided the plane lands and I have any outlook at all, haha) after a weekend in Florida!

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9 Replies to “Week 26 – Please God, don’t let me get huger than this.”

  1. Last time I saw you, I did NOT think you were huge. If that does not make you feel any better, then think about this: If you were not growing, then you would be paranoid that your baby was not growing. Take my word for it, because I was freaking out about not gaining enough weight while pregnant with Brooklynn. My offer to let you borrow my {bigger than yours} maternity clothes still stands. πŸ™‚

    Rub your belly, feel that baby move and smile. I miss that part of pregnancy. The weight will come off and you’ll have a beautiful , healthy baby.

  2. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything looks exactly the same size as when I found your blog last summer. Same size header, same size font, same everything. πŸ˜‰ You look great!

  3. I have been saying the same thing! There isn’t anymore room left. If I am this miserable now, how am I going to make it to the end of march? I am feeling for ya!

  4. Oh girl, I gained close to 100 pounds with each of my pregnancies. And my son was breech, which caused my belly to stick out even more. I feel ya…….

  5. I totally understand and you are not alone! I’m 30 weeks pregnant, and have stopped weighing myself. It became to discouraging. Unfortunately, I started out with a number in my head that would be nice to not go higher than. I know you can’t really control how much weight you gain…I just thought that 20-25 pounds would be good for me. I crossed that a few weeks ago. And I know you don’t stop gaining weight… so that meant I was going to have 12-15 (I can’t remember when this was) of gaining at least a pound a week, if not more. Those are numbers I just can’t emotionally handle right now. Thankfully, my midwife doesn’t require that you weigh yourself, so I told her I wasn’t going to anymore. They totally don’t care (yay for midwives!). The gigantic number was keeping me from seeing beauty in pregnancy – all I could see was a whale… it was really messing with my head.

    I will likely weigh myself once as I’m starting labor so I can have a good understanding of how much weight I need to lose. That’s it. Until then, I don’t want to know!

  6. Try not to worry about the weight. I gained 65 pounds with my daughter and she isn’t even 5 months old yet. I’ve lost all of the weight plus more, and I haven’t really been trying that hard.

    Just try your best to enjoy the pregnancy and don’t even look at the weight!

  7. Ok so before my first pregnancy I was a size 4 and weighed 120 lbs….*sigh*….a day I shall never again see! lol. Anyways, the first 6 months I did everything “right” and yet I still gained 40 lbs! When my “devil doctor” (as we refer to her) told me I needed to see a dietician, I said forget it and went home and ordered a pizza in the middle of the day and ate half of it before my husband got home! I lived it up the last 3 months, gaining a total of 60 lbs and having a nice plump and healthy 9 lb baby. πŸ™‚

    The next couple of kids I decided to heck with weight gain, if there was ever a time you can gain weight and no one can or will dare to say anything to you (except the devil doctor, which I ditched after that first baby by the way!) it will be when you are preggo! Live it up girl, and enjoy it!! Because yes, strangely enough, some day you WILL miss being pregnant. (Something I always heard, but never ever imagined I could MISS. Yet, now I sometimes do!)

    Ps; ha ha ha I know what Jenny means about your belly hitting your legs when you walk up the stairs!

  8. Em, you look fab! And it wasn’t just the glare from the kiddie casino at Chuck E Cheese, ‘kay?!

    FYI, I gained 55lbs with Princess Pinky and had to endure the “weigh-in” with Nurse Wretched (who looked like she lunched on Twinkies and Pepsi herself, *a-HEM!*) every month.

    Keep chanting…it will come off..it will come off…it will come off… πŸ™‚

    I gained about the same with the boys, but carried them low and tight, so I didn’t have that “just-stole-a-watermelon-from-Kroger-look” during the end with them.

    Oh, and you’re gonna find that you’ll lose it faster if you b’fd again because you’re taking care of Kate, too…meaning no more “nap when the baby naps/baby myself a bit” kind of time. I roamed the kitchen at night after #3 was born because I was STARVING after taking care of the 2 older kids all day and b’fding the baby. You just don’t have much time to eat…or do much more than the basics πŸ™‚

    Happy Trails!

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