This is your brain on Pregnancy. Any questions?

It’s official – I am a victim of pregnancy brain.

I don’t know if all my blood is flowing to my uterus and not my head or what, but I am seriously dumb these days.

I just can’t think.

I can’t remember words – I’ve been dangerously close to having a smaller vocabulary than Kate for about a year now, but in the last 13 weeks she has definitely pulled ahead. I find myself stopping mid-sentence because I have no idea what comes next.

This “word problem” makes it rather difficult to hold conversations, too. Combine that with the fact that I just can’t think of anything to say, and it adds up to me having the personality of a telephone pole.

This absent-mindedness (to say the least) is starting to become dangerous… this weekend I cruised straight through a stop sign – didn’t even see it until it was in the rear-view mirror – and then the next day I turned right on red without so much as a pause.

Let’s all hope that I can get through the rest of this pregnancy without losing my job, alienating my friends and wrecking my car!!

Oh, and please tell me it gets better… Jenny just laughed at my affliction and told me that “I-have-two-kids brain” makes pregnancy brain look minor!

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10 Replies to “This is your brain on Pregnancy. Any questions?”

  1. Scary, isn’t it? I’m sorry to tell you, it doesn’t get better. In fact, I’m sure that part of the brain is connected to the placenta and is delivered after the baby. (sigh) One of the “joys” of motherhood.

  2. I wish I had that excuse! Right now I am afflicted by period brain. Yesterday it was PMS brain. Mostly, though, it’s just my brain telling me to be a major bitch! 😉

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  3. hahaha, I feel ya on the car thing. I used to ALWAYS drive, usually b/c we would take my car. While pg, I just couldn’t do it. Hubs would drive anytime we were together.
    Now with “mama brain” I drive WAY less often, and find myself way more distracted than before. Ugh.

  4. I’d have to agree with Jenny–Mommy Brain squared beats Pregnancy Brain hands down! But at least you won’t be dealing with crazy hormones too. Hopefully 🙂

  5. Mmm Hmmm. I used to think that parts of your brain came out with the placenta, but apparently, adoption can have just as much of an effect.


  6. I did that when I was pregnant! Almost got T-boned by a dump truck–scary!! (Sorry to say, my son’s almost five and I still have the mommy fog. Don’t think it goes away.)

  7. According to my 6th graders teacher, you lose 1/4 of brain power per kid. That means I am brain dead almost 2 times over! 🙂 Relax. Enjoy being pregnant. Clarity of mind might come back when we are grandparents and the little chldren in our lives DO NOT live with us.

  8. I am sorry, but it never comes back. Now that i am on my second pregnancy(15 wks here), it is worse. I almost turned left into oncoming traffic last weekend. I was going to say something else but I forgot what it was. LOL

  9. I did not have a pregnancy brain. But I had the thing you described above after I gave birth. it was really terrible. I was forgetting everything .
    it lasted three months . Ä°t did come back .

    I think it may show that you need some vitamins.

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