He really dodged that bullet!

A few nights ago, Bobby was giving Sophie a bath and Joshua and I were indulging in a pre-bedtime snuggle on my bed.  I was laying on my side, when he said, “Mommy, can I lay on your back like I used to do when I was little?”

“Well, just for a minute,” I replied, “because Mommy can’t lay on her tummy for very long because it’s so big.”

As he scooted onto my back, Joshua commented with a tinge of disgust in his voice, “Good thing I’m not a GIRL.”

“Why’s that, honey?”

“Because I do NOT want to be PREGNANT!”

Well.  I’m kinda feeling you there, kid!

Not that I want to be a dude, but…these days I’m going to have to agree that Joshua really dodged the bullet on that one.

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3 Replies to “He really dodged that bullet!”

  1. Pregnancy sucks, but babies are great. Just keep thinking about the cute kiddo who will say impossibly cute things, just like Joshua. And, Dude, I would never want to be a boy! I’m not sure how they walk with that thing there, just saying.

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