Gender Watch 2010: Is it a Boy or a Girl?

Photo by Davezilla on Flickr

In fifteen days I get to find out this baby’s gender.  It’s a good thing I have some distractions between now and then (party! vacation!) because the suspense is about to keeeeeel me.  For seriouslies. I know some people don’t think it’s important to know the baby’s gender before he or she is born, but as previously discussed, those people are sadistic nutjobs, ranking only *slightly* above those who do not choose a name until the child is born.  (Hmm, and I know someone who is BOTH kinds of CRAZY!  Can you guess who??)

Here’s what “evidence” I have to go on for my gender guesses:

Girl – because I was sick for a long time like I was with Sophie (I am 18 weeks, and this is the first week I have not had to take the Zofran every day!)

Boy – because I am craving cola, which I did with Joshua.  Bye Bye, Mountain Dew, hello Pepsi, Coke, and Dr. Pepper.  Yellow is out, brown is in. Um, wait, did I totally revert to a potty training post there?


Fifteen days.  Fifteen days.  In fifteen days I will know what kind of  baby clothes I need to buy (gave both sets of 0-6 away loooong ago!), whether I’m in for more draaa-maa or more train track (ok, that’s not fair, Sophie loved trains.  But dangit we gave all those away TOO!!), whether as I so delicately put on my facebook status a few days ago, this baby has a “pee-pee” or a “hoo-hoo” ( I know, I ooooze class!)


So here’s the belly in question – what do YOU think?

18 weeks belly

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20 Replies to “Gender Watch 2010: Is it a Boy or a Girl?”

  1. I need more information. Do you have the linea nigra or whatever it’s called? If so, I’m going with girl. 🙂

  2. My latina ladies in the office say it has to do with the shape of the belly. Round basketball bellies = boys, flat, wider bellies = girls. And hoo hoo and pee pee are fine, the U/S tech is thinking hotdog or hamburger in their head, so you’re actually klassy compared to that.

  3. I voted for a boy. And i am with you – there is no logical reason to wait to find out the gender.

  4. I’m SO GLAD that Mr. Mommy Snacks weighed in on this one. I really need to see a front angle shot to make the prediction. I will see you tomorrow night at #ultimatemoms and then come back to share with the world what gender of child you are baking.

  5. Girl – nausea and selfish reasons. I’m hoping I’m having a girl, too – because my older daughter who is 11 may run away and join a convent and never speak to us again if it is another boy. LOL She has an older brother that is 13 and a younger brother that is 1. She feels outnumbered. 🙂

    Would be cool if we could both have some little pint-size blog-diva material after delivery, eh?

  6. You are carrying low so I am going with girl! And apparently I am one of those sadistic people who didn’t find out and didn’t name the baby til she was here…we had names picked out for both girl and boy! LOL!! 🙂

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