Bobby and Joshua are currently on a father-son trip. This is their third year to go to Audiofeed Music Festival, listen to loud music, eat canned beans, and bond. Subsequent children get to join when they are 10, so right now it’s just the two of them. One subsequent child named Jonah is super-pissed that Daddy and Joshua have left him alone with ME (and Sophie).
From last night’s epic “I want Daddy and Joshua to come home” pre-bedtime meltdown:

Jonah LOST HIS MIND. He is very, very attached to Joshua, and he really, really, wants Daddy to put him to bed every night and spend every minute that he’s not at work with him.
Because…DADDY is the FUN parent.
Last weekend I went away to my 15-year college reunion (let’s NOT talk about the fact that I am old as dirt right now, k?). Let me just say that while I was gone, the kids were with their dad and NO tantrums were thrown by ANYONE about my absence. AND when I got home, Bobby and the kids were out, so I was by myself for a bit. When they got home and we were lovingly reunited after 48 hours apart, the FIRST thing Jonah said to me, the FIRST thing out of his sweet little lips was:
“I want you to go work.”
What the FISHITY FISH!??! Knife. In. Heart.
Clearly Jonah knows that the fun stops when Mommy enters the building.
This week, on Tuesday, we were enjoying a nice family dinner and near the end of it Jonah said: “Mommy are you going to go to the store?” (I had gone to the grocery the previous night after dinner.)
Me: No
Jonah: I want you to go bye bye and go to the store!
Bobby: Is it because you think Daddy’s going to let you play video games?
Jonah: Yeah.
INGRATE! So carrying you for 9 months, nursing you for two years, and meeting EVERY SINGLE NEED YOU HAVE EVER means nothing apparently. Seriously, the parent who knows his #$%! shoe size, makes all his meals and SLAVES over trying to get him caught up on his language should get SOME points, right?
I give.
All hail the fun parent. I’ll just be over here folding the laundry.