Clean Yer Room!

Here’s a fun fact about me:

I have never, ever, ever been able to keep a clean bedroom.  In college I always tried to keep my half of the room neat enough so that my roommate wouldn’t KILL me, and that’s about the best I’ve ever done!

My room is small.  My closet has slanted ceilings because it’s directly under the roof and you can’t even stand up all the way in it.  We don’t have enough space to store clothes, books, etc.  Poor Bobby keeps all his clothes in the basement on shelves because there is not even close to enough room in our bedroom for both of our wardrobes.

So it’s small. And usually the floor is covered with clothes, shoes, and books. And laundry baskets.

Bobby took the entire week off work this week since the kids were going to be on break, and so I’ve been planning for awhile to clean the bedroom this week.  I asked him to remove the kids from the house for a minimum of three hours and he did for over four!

And I cleaned the whole time.  Two baskets of laundry, two bags for goodwill, and three bags of trash later, I am done.  Save for the vaccuming, because for the love of all that’s holy I NEED A LIGHTWEIGHT VACCUM.  Mine is too heavy and despite my groveling with several vaccum-making companies, I’ve never had any luck getting one to review. And GOD FORBID I have to buy my own!! I mean, really, that’s preposterous. Besides I’m saving all my money for a new couch since the children have deee-stroyed ours completely.  But anyhoo. I digress.

I’m 34 years old and I’ve never been able to keep a clean bedroom.  What’s your deal?

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9 Replies to “Clean Yer Room!”

  1. Cleaning isn’t the issue here, throwing stuff out is. As to vacuums, we have a Dyson – I really should do a review on that overpriced piece of crap!


  2. I had grand plans to clean my entire house and give away all kinds of crap during my week off before Christmas. I made it through the kitchen.

  3. A few weeks ago, I cleaned my side of the bedroom and told myself that I would keep it clean. Guess what? It’s time to clean it again. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m freakishly comfortable with some type of disorder in my life!

    I also have a Dyson – husband picked out the Dyson Animal old-style and we don’t even have any animals – it’s extremely heavy! I’m with you on wanting something lightweight.

  4. I’m just so glad to see that I’m not alone. I just made a cleaning list for this weekend and decided to try breaking up the room into sections to make it seem less daunting. We’re having a baby in just a couple of weeks and need to make room for the bassinet.

  5. My room too before we made the Kids share rooms and made a family clothes room. All our stuff is hung up on racks since I dont like to fold anytime. Baskets at the bottom of the racks hold pants and shorts. Now I don’t find clothes on anyones floors. Rooms look neater

  6. I’m 31 and I’m a slob still. My problem is that we have a big bedroom, which means there are too many places to pile up all kinds of stuff like birthday balloons, paperwork, old clothes, art supplies for the kids, books, cameras, CDs, a pack n play and bins full of everything else!

    My vacuum is 7 years old and it’s just okay. I’d love to get something new that’s lighter weight and more agile. It should work great because I RARELY use it :/

  7. I have to tell you, I often tell the girls the story of when we begged your mom to let me come over after church one Sunday and the only way your mom agreed to it was if I would help you clean your room. While “cleaning” said room we decided to pretend we were princesses, trapped in an attic by the evil queen and had to make our home somewhat liveable.

    As I recall, the room never got done.

    And, the girls don’t buy the idea about pretending either.

    As for my vacuum… I have a lovely Hoover circa 1972 that is a handmedown from a coworker. It will suck your pants off if you get too close to it. That thing is powerful. If only it had a hose for the stairs. But it was free… so I can’t complain.

  8. OMG – I just read this in your newsletter I subscribed to in my email, and actually laughed out loud reading this!! I can SO relate!! My biggest battle is with paperwork – I don’t have an office per se, or an efficient filing system, so I am constantly schlepping paperwork from one room of the house to another if company is coming over, or one of the kids is sleeping over. I’ve literally been having this battle with paperwork and orgnization my whole life. I swear – I wish I could afford an organizational specialist or life coach or whoever it is, to show me the magic of how to keep on top of it, and have it make sense and be organized. I’m afraid I’m going to forget something important – so I just mark everything important and lug it around until it’s actually moved from important to urgent to how can I make it right. Anyways, I just had to comment to let you know that you put a smile on my face – and have given me inspiration to keep plugging along!! Thank you mucho!! 🙂

  9. IOIL have be we been able to keep mine clean either and my children have pointed that out to me on occasion when I am trying to get them to clean theirs. I was not blessed with good house keeping skills.

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