
I haven’t done a meme in for-ev-ah, partially because for awhile there I was getting tagged for the same ones OVER AND OVER and t was getting a *smidge* old. But since it’s been a while, and since I can’t say no to Piper of Bliss in Bloom who tagged me, here goes! Enjoy the “Six Unspectacular Quirks” meme. Here is some general unspectacularness about me:

1) I cannot sleep without my super-loud roaring white noise machine. I take it with me where ever I travel! If it doesn’t go, I don’t go.

2) I love to have my hair played with. (But not by Sophie, who likes to jerk it out from the root.) On vacation I let Krisha and Kierstin put my hair in a million braids (it was HOTT) just because it felt sooo gooood.

3) I hate clipping my toenails. Hate Hate Hate IT!

4) I hate wearing shorts. Ick.

5) When I get a headache, the only thing that helps it is aspirin – so I take something with aspirin like Excedrin. Advil and Tylenol just don’t help my headaches though I do take them for other aches and pains. (Of course I haven’t been taking much aspirin since I am stteeeeiiilllllll nursing Sophie.)

6) I like wheat bread, but I only like grilled cheese sandwiches on white bread. I will eat it on wheat only if desperate.

Ok, now I get to tag six lucky people to do this meme!! Get excited! I think I’ll tag some of my crazy frugal friends!

Alyssa from Keeping the Kingdom First
Marin from Frugonomics
“Deal”icious Mom
Nicole at Being Frugal is Fabulous
Michelle at Leaving Excess
Jamie at Thrifty in the Cincy

Have fun ladies! I can’t wait to read about your quirks!

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5 Replies to “UnSpectacularness”

  1. What in the world is a ‘meme’? I read 3-4 blogs a day, and occasionally this topic pops up. On one of my friends blogs, she even defined a ‘meme’, and I was more confused than before!?! Any help on this ‘blogosphere’ matter would be appreciated 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for the shout out! I have been on vacation and have a totally nutty week getting ready for school this week, but I appreciate it and will still find time in my crazy days for your fabulous humor! Thanks, Jenny and Emily!

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