
Tiffany at Lattes and Life and Piper at Bliss in Bloom both tagged me for very similar memes. So, I am going to incorporate them together. Tiffany’s requires 5 random things about me and 5 places I’d like to see or see agian, and Piper’s required 6 random things about me, so here ya go: 6 random things about me and 5 places I’d like to see or see again!

1) I have never had a cavity, despite the fact that I’m not the most faithful flosser
2) I drink a glass of chocolate milk every morning
3) I don’t miss working, but I do miss getting dressed up for work
4) I had my appendix out when I was 18
5) I really hate clipping my toe nails
6) I’m so vain, I probably think this meme is about me

5 places I’d like to see or see again:
1) Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (see again!)
2) Hawaii
3) Boston
4) Philadelphia
5) Isle of Palms, SC (see again)

Ok, I’ve just depressed myself with how boring I am. But…there you have it! Try not to be too fascinated! Did you see anything we have in common? I’m not going to tag anyone, but feel free to grab this and play along if it strikes your fancy!

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7 Replies to “Meme-licious!”

  1. I used to drink a glass of chocolate milk every morning when I was pregnant. I can’t drink plain milk…it grosses me out. It has to be really chocolatey.

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