It’s a Nice Day for a Meme!

The very talented Avery tagged me for this Five Things Meme. Enjoy, and then go check out Avery’s blog!

What were you doing ten years ago?
1) Going to college
2) Studying
3) Dating my future husband
4) Wearing my hair all one length
5) Drinking a lot of Mountain Dew

What were you doing one year ago?
1) Being a mom
2) Complaining about being 8 months pregnant
3) Nesting frantically
4) Worrying irrationally about my unborn baby
5) Working part-time

Five snacks you enjoy:
1) Hershey bars
2) Yogurt
3) Cheesy chili dip & nacho chips
4) Baby carrots
5) Kashi TLC crackers

Five Songs you know the lyrics to:
1) At the Moment by Stavesacre
2) Ugly Girl by Fleming & John
3) Our Lips Are Sealed by the Go-Gos
4) Foolish Beat by Debbie Gibson
5) The Star-Spangled Banner

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire (what do you mean if?? hahahaha):
1) Buy my brothers & parents a new car
2) Buy a new house
3) Buy Bobby an electronic drum set
4) Send my kids to private school
5) Pay all my grandparent’s bills

Five bad habits:
1) Picking my cuticles
2) Biting my nails
3) Being messy at home
4) Checking StatCounter every 2.2 seconds
5) Worrying

Five things you like to do:

1) Spend time with my family
2) Sleep
3) Play Trivial Pursuit
4) Blog
5) Eat out

Five things you will never wear again:
1) Acid wash
2) A bikini
3) Plaid pants
4) Straight leg jeans
5) Bangs

Five favorite toys:
1) My laptop
2) My digital camera
3) My son
4) My daughter
5) ??

Five things you hate to do:
1) Fold laundry
2) Take out the trash
3) Dishes
4) Clean the tub
5) Clean out my car

Feel free to play along! If you want to do this one, you’re IT!

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3 Replies to “It’s a Nice Day for a Meme!”

  1. Bangs! Oh man! The memories! The memories!!!

    I actually have bangs now–long and side-swept. Not the straight line across the forehead, or teased to within an inch of their life. But still, it took a lot for me to get comfortable with the idea of having bangs again.


    Great list! Thanks for playing along!

  2. I’ll probably swipe this meme for next week’s “Meme Sunday!”

    In the meantime, I tagged you for a meme on my blog! 🙂 Hope you’ll play along. 🙂

  3. I find it very weird that I don’t know a few of your songs. I love that you threw a Debbie Gibson one in. That fills my heart with joy.

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