Weekly Winners: Joshua’s Birthday edition

Friday, on Joshua’s birthday, we took him to a really cool place about 40 minutes away called Entertrainment Junction (emphasis on the train). We had an awesome time! I’ll blog more about it later, but here are some of my favorite photos from our outing.

My guys

my guys

Joshua was transfixed by the miniature train displays.


They had a miniature car show set up on one of the train displays. I thought this lady and her blue car were sassy!

blue car lady

Miniature train bridge

pretty train bridge

Thomas steams into the station!

Thomas steams in

Mommy & Joshua get a quick snuggle.

love my little guy

More on our trip to come later! For more great weekly winners, check out the Weekly Winners HQ over at Sarcastic Mom.

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14 Replies to “Weekly Winners: Joshua’s Birthday edition”

  1. Jenny, I am pretty sure my step-dad was one of the model railroaders who worked on this display. He has a model RR in his basement that is pretty impressive, and is part of a RR group….my nephew, who is 8, helps run the trains (and has since he was like 4 or 5)….anyhoo, the reason I write this is that if Joshua would like to run model RR trains one day, I am sure Gordon would love to show him. Contact me if you are interested- I could give you their #.

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