Greyhound Dreams

I am very fortunate to have a little boy who is, at five, still a really great snuggler. Yesterday we were snuggling on the couch together when he looked up at me with his big blue eyes and said sweetly, “I love you, Mommy.”

My heart melted. “I love you too, baby boy.” I said. “And I love being your mommy. It’s my favorite thing to be.”

He beamed up at me.

“What’s your favorite thing to be?” I asked him. I could already hear his response. “Your baby boy!” he’d say sweetly.

He thought for a second, then smiled his sweet mama’s boy smile.

“A bus driver!”

*Sigh*. A girl just can’t compete with public transit these days.

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11 Replies to “Greyhound Dreams”

  1. Is there anything greater than a 5 year old? Unless maybe a 4 year old ! Enjoy those snuggles (and laughs) And please keep sharing them with those of us who no longer have anyone that wonderful age living with us.

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