Sick baby

Sick baby today.  He was up most of the night and has a 101.2 fever.  I was able to get a 9:30 doctor appointment for him. Not sure if I’ll be able to get a post up today or not, stay tuned!

**Edited to add**

The Dr. *thinks* it’s “Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease” – yay {sarcasm}.  No treatment, just fluids and tylenol for fever/pain.  Jonah is extremely uncomfortable and sad, and therefore no “real” post will be forthcoming today! If my mom weren’t here helping me I wouldn’t even be writing this sentence.

Have a great day everyone!

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7 Replies to “Sick baby”

  1. Hope he’s better soon. And you know I’ve always got something on the back burner. Maybe I’ll just “comment” something worth reading!


      1. Seriously, what are Uncles for? And, it’s that last baby thing. Shelby was a breeze, Donovan met his deductible by the end of January every year!

        Some people just don’t know when to stop!


  2. My baby has that too…said that it is going around like wildfire and we were probably the 400th case that our doctor had seen of it (we are in the Kansas City area). Not fun. Hope that your little guy is feeling better soon!! 🙂

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