He’s a Playa

Can I just tell you how much I love my baby boy? We are having a great time together now that the big kids are in school and we’re getting some face time. Jonah loves to play. Although he plays much better by himself that my other two kids did, he still just wants Mommy to play with him in the morning.  So in the morning, we play. We stack blocks and pegs. We read. We sing lots of songs.  He does an adorable dance to the ABC song, and awesome motions to “Wheels on the Bus” and “If you’re happy and you know it”.  It is a-freaking-dorable, and I love it!  He is such a good player. He plays hard, and he has fun! And of course, leaves a mess in his wake.

(Have you updated your iPhone to iOS 6 yet? Cool panoramic feature on the camera!)

This is really only a small Jonah mess.  See his puzzles? They are still neatly stacked up! Usually he has about 5 or 6 out with pieces everywhere by the end of the day.

Jonah hasn’t been as quick to talk as Joshua and Sophie were, so I’ve been a little nervous about that.  But since the big kids have gone back to school, he is adding words really quickly. Just this week his new words are blue, green, orange and even Halloween! It’s so fun and exciting for me to report these new developments every day. He never stops making me laugh and run for my phone to take a picture or video.

I am super in love with my baby Jonah.  I am loving my one-on-one time with him! I can’t wait to see what he does next, each day, each moment.  It’s such a gift.


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