In honor of what is for many, back-to-school week, I want to tell you the story of a very fine educator and his legacy. That educator is my brother, Andy. (Yes, my hairy brother.) He’s been teaching high school science for an eternity about 15 years or so.

In fifteen years, he’s taught a lot of students. Recently, I had, on separate occasions, the chance to meet two of his former students, both a few years out of high school. When they heard I was his sister, they both went on and on about how nice he was, and what a great teacher he was, and how much they loved his class…
…and then they both said the exact. same. thing.
“But what I remember the most about him is that he showed us how he could put four quarters up his nose.”
Let me just type that again for you.
“But what I remember the most about him is that he showed us how he could PUT FOUR QUARTERS UP HIS NOSE.”
What?? Well, I guess that’s what I would remember most, too, because OHMAHGAH EEEWWW!
One of his former students told me this when we were sitting in the lobby of the DENTIST’S OFFICE. What am I supposed to say to that???
I’m proud of you, brother. You are leaving a lasting legacy. A fine education that is worth no less than one whole dollar.
Do you put the quarters in some sort of sanitizing solution when you’re done with them? Because I really do not want to think of those two-bits back in circulation.
People. Use quarters with caution! You do not know where they have been.
My sister-in-law just informed me that it’s four quarters IN EACH NOSTRIL.
Two-Dollar Legacy.
I can’t even continue writing.
WE SHARE THE SAME DNA!!! I fear for my children!
I guess we know who will provide the entertainment at thanksgiving!
Either take physics or you do not get to experience this event.
It raises the question, “How did he discover he could do that?”
It’s a talent, like my ear wiggling.
My question is, are they his own quarters or does he borrow them? If borrowed, does anyone ever ask for them back or is it his clever way of making 2 bucks?
I believe he “borrows” them. And I believe last year was the first year that someone asked him for them back. 🙂
I am so proud of Andy but this is totally gross!
I just wonder what lesson he was teaching by doing such a thing. Gravity?
I believe it started in Anatomy class. Oh the wonders of the human nose.
I have yet another memory of your brother Andy…yes, he is an excellent teacher and loves his students and they love him…but he also is a “servant” and so ready to help his fellow teachers. Andy and I taught together at XCHS and being a somewhat “older” staff member, I was pretty green when it came to entering grades on the computer…what happened to the “bubble sheets,” I wondered. I knew I was in over my head. One day towards the end of the quarter as I was staring at the computer wanting to be its friend…in walks Andy asking me if I would like his help…how did he know…did he hear me crying during lunch? Andy stayed there at my side until all the grades were entered and even set up the system for the remaining quarters ( I assume he didn’t want to come back to this techy-challenged co-worker until the next year). I will never forget Andy’s patience and kindness…thank you again, Andy, and God bless you:) Judy Ruegsegger
Well now I just feel mean! Just kidding. Andy is a great man. He still deserves this though because of the torture he put me through as a child. 🙂
That was really sweet, Judy. And Jenny, you’re right, he probably does.
Let’s get this all straight – it is 8 (as in eight) quarters in 1 (as in one) nostril – usually the left but I have gone right a few times. It happens in Anatomy class in a demonstration of the nasalis muscles, the action of which is to widen the nostrils. It all started in my first ever Anatomy class when flexed my nasalis muscles and Ryan Battaglia said “I bet you could fit a quarter in there!”
So what you’re saying is, you could fit FOUR BUCKS up there if you wanted to?
Thanks for clearing that up!
Do you also show your anatomy class your remarkable uvula?
hahaha! Brothers and science, what gives? My brother teaches science and I am sure his students will alawys recall blowing up/catching on fire the dumpster….
WoW!! Being that I work in the medical field I’m going to ask my Doctor to show this trick!! Baashaaa!! Whatever it takes!! 🙂
Andy, I was wondering where those two bucks went back in 1992. You said you wanted to buy 4 Crystal Pepsis.