Today is the 9,782nd day of my kids’ Spring “Break”. Well, technically it’s the third for the big kids, and yesterday was the last for Jonah. But to me, there is still no end in sight.
Jonah has been off school since March 24th. That week they were testing the preschoolers to see how much they’ve learned compared to the testing they did in the fall (plus! IEP meeting coming up! WHEE!) so he only went ONE day that week. The next week was his actual spring break, which extended to the Monday after Easter. And then the big kids’ break started Good Friday.
SO basically, my work-at-home productivity has been tanked and my already fragile work-life balance has been non-existent for oh, I don’t know, about 15 straight days.
I mean, you guys. It’s 9:11 a.m. AND I DON’T HAVE MY MAKEUP ON YET! The world is clearly ENDING!!
I really want to have some fun with the big kids this week, but the weather is of course RAINY/thundery so far (hey: better than snow. I am counting my blessings!) so I think we might be limited to indoor playdates and board games. We’ll just have to make some lemonade. You know, in between work, preschool pick-up, and all that jazz.
And now the best part of this lackluster post: I was going to end with a zinger of a story about something I forgot because my mom brain is totally overloaded and spring break broke me. BUT. I can’t remember what it is!!!!
Stick a fork in me, folks!
I played blog hooky today.