Polar Whoretex


Old Man Winter is a man-whore.  I don’t think we can STOP him from spreading his herpes-like snow and ice all over our region once again, so ladies and gentteeelman, if you will, I HAVE  A PLAN.

Let’s make a pact. Tomorrow night, when the first flakes of fluffy white poison begin to fall from the sky, let us don our fuzzy bathrobes, hook ourselves up to an IV drip of protein-infused NyQuil (you know, the protein to keep us alive) AND SLEEP THE REST OF THIS WINTER AWAY.

I really think it’s the only way to protect ourselves by being driven insane. This weather is MADNESS!  Sanity-destroying! So maybe Old Man Winter has syphilis, too.

See ya in March…oh who am I kidding? APRIL! See you in April, friends! Stay warm!

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