Sunday morning Emily and I got up at 4:30 a.m. to catch a flight home from Mom 2.0 Summit. It was brutal. We arrived home about 12:30, though, which was nice. Since what can go wrong will go wrong when mom’s away, Bobby had gotten sick Saturday night while I was gone. So, his planned trip to the store to get a few things we were out of didn’t happen. Since we were out of milk, bread, and bananas, I decided to run out to Aldi about 4:30 Sunday afternoon. (Because Aldi was a Mom 2.0 sponsor, and their prices are amazing!) But when I went out to my van, I was greeted with two police cars blocking my driveway. What the what? There was also an SUV parked right behind the police cars, and an officer was talking to 3 adults, two women & a man – there were also FOUR kids in the car, including a baby.
Bobby had come outside with me and almost immediately we heard “Joseph Albertson! The house is surrounded! Please come out with your hands up!” We peered down the street and there was another police car and a cop with a bullhorn three doors down. Well, YEE-HA! Just another Sunday afternoon in the city!
Naturally, Bobby and I turned on the Wii for the big kids so they wouldn’t notice the drama. Then, we pulled up chairs on our front porch and sat back to watch the drama.
The cop with the civilians was literally RIGHT in front of our porch. From the conversation we surmised they lived in the house or were related to the person that was being sought. The man was on the phone trying to make arrangements for someone to come get the kids. I felt so sorry for those kids. The younger woman was yelling at them a lot and using the “F” word. Lovely. I know it’s a high-stress situation, but geez. It was really hot so I went in and got a box of Capri Sun and took it out to the woman, but she declined, saying the kids were leaving soon. Fortunately, they were all soon escorted away.
By this time they had completely closed off our block so we definitely knew I was not getting out to the grocery anytime soon. I wasn’t too thrilled but I figured this wouldn’t take too long. Soon, I’d have my bread and milk, and anti-fungal cream for Jonah’s wicked diaper rash he had developed while I was gone? Right?
Then, we heard the cop tell the people on our sidewalk that SWAT and the Hostage Negotiation Team were coming. WHEEEEE!
It didn’t take long.
Soon this was the scene across the street from our house!
Soon there were SWAT guys with assault rifles all over the place. They were being very stealthy – jumping over fences, creeping through alleys, etc. All this time, the policeman with the bullhorn was constantly calling the guy to come out. Bobby and I could see a news camera crew down the street filming the action. He and I were constantly updating our FB statuses, and I was tweeting and instagramming the drama. And also, after about two hours, I was complaining HEAVILY about not being able to get to the store!
At one point a SWAT team member, or HNT member, dropped an orange box right in front of our sidewalk. I was all…umm…I hope that thing’s not going to blow up! Luckily my friend Jen, whose husband is on the HNT, told me that’s the “jump phone” they use to talk to the perpetrator. From online news reports, we found out the guy was wanted on a domestic violence charge, and was believed to be holed up in the house with an automatic weapon.
At some point we went in and made the kids dinner, then after that we let Joshua and Sophie continue to play Wii so they would not know that their were men with assault weapons right outside the house (they remained clueless throughout. We turned up the TV so they wouldn’t hear the bullhorn.)
But since we are super-stellar parents, we took Jonah out on the porch with us and let him swing on his baby swing so we could keep watching the drama!
So we were just sitting there minding the SWAT team’s business, when all of a sudden a stealthy SWAT guy crept up right next to our porch! I didn’t even hear him but Bobby pointed him out to me. So, I did what any good blogger will do:

I wasn’t as stealthy as him, because he saw me take the pic and said. “Don’t you go putting that on YouTube.”
No worries, dude. But you didn’t say anything about MAH BLOG!
Soon after this, things stopped getting fun. The bullhorn kept going. At one point they blared the SWAT truck’s sirens (it was on this guy’s front lawn at this point) really loudly for a really LONG time to try to get him to come out.
It got late. I still didn’t have any groceries. Jonah’s biscuits were still burning and he needed that diaper rash cream!
We put the kids to bed. It took forever. At one point I went out and saw the SWAT guys all in a row, with their shields up, in tight formation – it looked like they were ready to go in and get that guy!
But then nothing.
And about 45 minutes later, the trucks packed up and left. Huh? Bobby finally got out to the store after 10 to get us a few things, and I went to bed.
Then I woke up to news reports the next morning that THE GUY WASN’T EVEN IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT????? I don’t know how he got out but he wasn’t there. He ended up calling police from a location several miles away and turning himself in without incident.
After holding my neighbors and us hostage for over FIVE HOURS! Ugh.
If he moves back to the house three doors down after he gets of jail, I am totally leaving a bag of flaming poop on his porch!
Dude, you’re hilarious. Best photobomb EVAH!
Ooh! The drama in the ‘burbs! 😉
it’s the nitty gritty city, baby. They don’t have SWAT in the ‘burbs!
Actually a similar thing happened in ‘Creek just a couple weeks ago – one of the police officers goes to our church!
This is 10 kinds of awesome! I am sooo jealous we didn’t have the SWAT team in our neighborhood. Seriously. The only thing I would have done differently is I would have made popcorn while I sat out and watched the show. I am pretty sure my mom would have driven the hour to our house to watch this spectacle with us. I am third generation nosy.
That was total craziness! I live near the end of Revere and kept walking down to the Police Tape line to talk to get updates from the officers. I have to admit, with all those police cars and the swat team on hand I felt completely safe and well protected! Glad to know we weren’t really in any danger. Sorry, though, that you were trapped the whole time!
OMG that is crazy. Its good to know he wasn’t in the house, you hear horror stories all the time of stay bullets. A neighbor and I accidently caused a swat team to enter our house and point guns at my mom when I was in HS. Apparently a neighbor who didn’t recognize me saw suspicion behavior. I was in HS. Got home and realized I forgot the key. I didn’t know anyone was home. So I climbed up on the the low roof from the back of the house, then pulled myself up to the high roof were I kept a spare key. Then went in, said hello to my mom who was home doing the books for my dad’s office. And like a normal teenager I headed up to my room. Next thing I know I hear my mom screaming my name to come downstairs. Apparently the neighbor thought I was breaking in and my mom’s process of doing the books was having papers all over the floor. So they snuck up on the house, thought it looked like it was being ram-sacked and broke in guns pointed at my mom.
Sorry you guys were trapped so long, must have been frustrating.
Bwhahahaha!!! I so needed to read this today. And your PHOTOBOMB?…Yeah, AWESOME!!!! Thanks for making my day. Sorry you were held up, but it makes for a great story!
bwahaha, and this is why I read your blog! Love the photobomb, but sorry you guys were stuck in your house for so long. no fun at all.
Very funny take on what could have been a serious situation. Reminds me when I lived in town myself. I used to live next door to a family with wild grown kids that liked to party from mom & dad’s house. Drama better than what’s on tv! Good times Good times!
I live in Atlanta, get real…drama my foot!
very funny though!
I was laughing hysterically and then noticed that the Ad in your sidebar targeted to me was “Carry a concealed weapon?”. WHAT!! Hahaha. I guess that is what I get for reading blogs about S.W.A.T. 😉
LMAO you are hilarious… photobombing the SWAT team! You are right… he was totally cheesin’ for your photo! 🙂