Hormotional Overload

Dudes. (A weird way to start out a post that is totally going to be about my hormones, but DUDES.) My hormones are killiing me. It happened to me both times before, with Joshua and Sophie. After my cycle resumes (9 months postpartum this time), my hormones just hammer me. Awful, awful cramps, breakouts, headaches – it’s been going on four months now. I never found a solution before, but now that I am done having babies, I’d like to. Taking the birth control pill is not an option, since it made me crazy depressed a few years ago…so, I need some natural mumbo-jumbo or some shizzle. I’m too lazy to google it, so please regale me with your tales of how you got your estrogenz to stop beating you to death on a constant basis. Thank you!

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12 Replies to “Hormotional Overload”

  1. Hi!
    I had many of the same problems after the birth of my two kids. I also cannot take birth control pills. For me the solution was a natural progesterone cream. Here is an article that talks about why postpartum women don’t have enough progesterone (aka estrogen dominant)


    Here is an article that talks about dosage and benefits of progesterone cream

    I buy progest which can be found at whole foods or on amazon.

    Using the cream has diminished my horrible pms symptoms almost entirely.

    Hope this helps! Feel free to email me.

    1. Suzanne, I’ve been saying I’m going to go there! I say it every month! I just wonder if I should wait til I am done nursing Jonah? He’s 13 months, I hope to have him weaned n March-April…I know things will probably change again when that happens, but I also don’t want to wait because I am tired of the monthly torture. HMMM! I guess I will wait and see what the internetz collectively tells me to do. 🙂

  2. Think about giving the pill another go, if you’re willing. I had the same problem when my doctor first put me on (for some similar hormone issues) and the first kind we tried gave me terrible anxiety and depression and the second just made me gain weight. But, third time was a charm and I’m really happy with the stuff I’m on now. The mood swings and horrible periods/cramping are gone, and I even get to take mine on a continuous cycle (kind of like Seasonale) so I only have my period once every few months! It’s a bit of hassle finding the right prescription for your body, but for me it was totally worth it. Good luck!

    1. To add to what Maggie’s saying, it may have been the type of birth control pill you were on in the past! Before you spend a significant sum(because you are the cheapest person on the planet) on private hormone therapy I’d talk with your primary doc about trying a different class of birth control pills that you were put on previously. They are not all the same!

      1. But I’m scared! I tried two before, and right now the physical torture is still better than the emotional torture was. Since I had to be on A-D’s to tolerate the BC, that’s two co-pays per month also. Our co-pays are kinda high.

        1. Jenny,
          Have you thought about the Mirena IUD? I know it’s not for everyone, but I had major issues with BC too and was afraid to try any others. The IUD has been wonderful! Not the most pleasant experience to have inserted, but the benefits have been great. I have been using it for the last six years and have not had any cramping, hardly any bleeding, no pills to worry about and no emotional roller coaster rides. Ask your OB about it…

  3. I have a good friend who has a website with herbal remedies. She sells a tea called “Healthy Woman Hormone Balancing Tea”. I have used it with good results. She also has some good info on there about it too. Her website is http://www.hisgraceherbals.com.

  4. Not advice, just a quick keep your head up! Your blog daily makes me laugh, smile, and empathize. At 37, I am going to be a grandmother….and dang,i am not old enough to be a freaking g-ma…and I am having terrible mod swings over it.[feel schizo most days!] The way you open up your lives to each of us, with grace and humor humbles me, so thank you friend. Thank you for constantly reminding me what a blessing each of mt children are! And I promise that I will not smother my daughter today unless it is with hugs!

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