Keepin’ It Real. Real Dirrrty.

That’s right, dirrty.  With three r’s.  Like Christina Aguilera.

On Sunday nights, we go to our small group from church which we call house church.  Last night it was time for just the guys to meet, and I thought to myself, “Hmm, do I really want to be alone with these kids from 5:30-8:00?  No, I do not.”  So I sent out a quick text to the ladies of house church and asked if they wanted to bring their kids over for an impromptu play date.  Cortney, Celia, and our friend Jen (who does not blog, LAME!) replied that they would be right over.  When I sent this text, I was in the car on the way home from a birthday party, and as soon as we got home, Bobby had to jet to get to house church.  So the house was pretty much in the manic state of disarray it was when we left for the birthday party.  I picked up a few things so that you could, you know, walk through the rooms, but the place wasn’t exactly *spotless*.  (And really, when is it?)

This is what I love about my group of friends.  I can have them over and not feel like I have to clean up.  And then, when they get there, they say things like, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I am so glad your house looks like this!  It makes me feel so much better!”

And we laugh.

And our kids make the house an even bigger mess than it was. (After we forced them to play outside for as long as possible.)

And we let them do it so we can just be together.

Which makes cleaning it up later totally worth it.

Even when Celia’s little *angel* does this in my bathroom.

I love you dirrty girls!

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4 Replies to “Keepin’ It Real. Real Dirrrty.”

  1. That’s great to have the acceptance of friends like that. We all need it. But I read about what Anna left at your house on Celia’s blog!! – been smiling to myself about it all day . That poor child will never be allowed to forget it now that two moms have blogged about it. I bet she had no idea she was doing something she shouldn’t, that would make her so “famous”!

  2. No BLOGin and proud of it! Although lately- Bob has been talking about creating one. He asked me if I thought Jenny would have a training session like she did w uncle paul 🙂 and show him the ropes…oy. Man, when one person jumps off the bridge- I’m all left alone 🙂
    So yes, One thing I’m sooo glad for is summer. Our much adored group is better than anything I could of ever imagined..but we all have a ton of kids!! This summer it’ll be good to spend our time at the park if the guys are meeting!

  3. Our house has never been spotless.
    If I had it to do over again, I’d have gotten grape koolaid colored carpet at the onset…it turned out that way anyhoo!


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