Little full, lotta sap.

clark griswold
Before Christmas, I had this post circling around in my brain about how much I want to like putting up the Christmas tree and all the accompanying decorations, but how tedious I truly find it. In my head, the act of decorating the tree involves much more hot chocolate much less swearing than it does in real life. I never wrote the post, but in retrospect, I realize that I had nothing to complain about then.

Because really? Putting the Christmas tree up is nowhere near as annoying as taking it down.

I intended to take it down on Saturday, as we went out of town Sunday and Monday and I thought it would be just swell to have it done when we got home. However, I spent all day wiggling my nose and believe it or not the ornaments didn’t go flying off and the tree didn’t fold itself up and no one came over to put it away while we were gone, so here it stands.

I really, really don’t want to deal with it. It’s one of those things that’s not such a huge deal once it’s actually underway, but it seems insurmountable before it’s started. It really won’t take me that long to do it… logically, I know these things. But I just don’t want to do it.

So now I’m thinking that maybe I just won’t take it down. I thought about changing it with the seasons – a Valentine’s tree and then an Easter tree and before we know it, we’re back to Christmas… but that seems like an awful lot of work. My friend Emilie told me about a family she knew that pulled a trash bag up over the tree, stuck it in the garage, and pulled it out ready to go the next year. Perhaps I will go that route.

I’m sure I will get to it eventually, despite how much I am dreading it. But when I do, I’m certain the cuss words will outnumber the cups of hot chocolate by an exponential count.

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10 Replies to “Little full, lotta sap.”

  1. We took ours down, or more accurately Bobby took ours down on Monday so we could put up our SWEET new shelf from IKEA. Definitely a record for us!

  2. My husband gets to set it on fire in the backyard which is just enough incentive so he does it for me. Nothing says New Years like a giant flaming dried out christmas tree.

  3. Taking down the tree is always a bummer. I whined and pleaded my husband did it for me. Well, I did help, I took the ornaments off and left the rest for him.

  4. Frankly, if I hadn’t spent so much money on the Frosty Friends ornaments over the last 33 years, I’d haul it out to the curb on trash day DECORATED!

    Nothing more depressing than a Christmas tree with no gifts around it!

  5. I have not put up a tree the last 2 years for all of the reasons you mentioned, but I know that is not an option with little kids at home. However, i leave up my mantel decorations,etc. until at least Valentine’s Day. The bright colors and lights cheer me up in the cold,dark winter.

  6. I’m with ya! I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I did manage to put up the tree this year, but it’s still up and I’m not looking forward to taking it down. I actually like the idea of leaving it decorated and just covering it with a large bag and storing it away for the next 11 months.

  7. I’m feelin’ you on this one. The incentive for us to tear it down is that I will no longer find ornaments with bites taken out of them, hooks with no ornaments, ornaments without hooks, broken ornaments, or light strands trailing on the floor because little hands have tugged it off the tree. Yes, I’m talking about my precious girls, and not puppies. I will also not have to repeat 50,000 times a day, “Get away from the tree!!!” in varying phraseology. All the best to you in your endeavour!

  8. Call me and we will make a toast to the tree with some hot chocolate (and some alcohol to go with the said hot chocolate) so it will at least be enjoyable! All though I am kinda likin’ the throw the trash bag over the top and put it in the garage, or stick it downstairs in one of your cubbies!! No one will even know! 🙂

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