Hopefully Healthy Holidays

One of the things that’s been on my mind (read: that I’ve been having ridiculous anxiety over) is how to keep my family healthy over the holidays.  I will completely freak out if any of the kids are sick and have to miss any of the family festivities!  I remember a few years ago when Joshua was a baby, I myself got the flu and had to miss a family Christmas. It was not cool!

So. How do I keep them healthy??  Since I am a Vicks Blogger, I decided to go to their website to see if they had anything to add to this healthy-for-the-holidays scheme.   Here are a few tips I picked up:

  • Get outdoors if you can!  Spending more time indoors breathing germy air is part of the reason we get sick more often in the winter.  So put on your coats and spend a little time outside if it’s sunny and dry.
  • Cover those coughs and sneezes!  I know this seems basic, but I’ve been drilling the “cough into your elbow” thing into my kids and it’s helped SO MUCH.  And I know it’s cutting down on them spreading the germs around to each other that they bring home from their respective schools.
  • Detail those remotes! Something my kids touch all the time are the TV remote and Wii controllers, and I NEVER thought to clean them, until now.  From now on I will be wiping them down daily at least!
  • Add humidity!  I hate humidity in the summer, but it’s a good thing in the winter.  Consider using a Vicks humidifier to keep the air in your home moist – cold viruses thrive in dry air.

Now if my little boogers DO get sick (and totally RUIN Christmas!!) at least I know how to treat their coughs & colds – with my favorite Vicks VapoRub and Vicks Vaporizer with VapoSteam to keep them as comfortable and soothed as possible.  To keep updated on how Vicks Products can help your family this cold & flu season, check out their Facebook page.

What measures are you taking to keep your family healthy this holiday season?


I am being compensated for my role as a Vicks Blogger. All opinions about Vicks Products are my own.

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4 Replies to “Hopefully Healthy Holidays”

  1. Vitamin D!!!!! I just read a great article today on how your body’s own genes transform vitamin D to fight off bacterial AND viral infections. (And like you, with three littles at home, the chances are tripled that they’ll share something…. That wasn’t the idea of sharing I was hoping they’d learn! =) Praying you all stay healthy!

  2. Since my kids are older I’m not as intentional about this as I used to be, but one thing I beg them to do is wash their hands often; it’s the first thing I do every time I return from the grocery store. Which is kinda odd, but hey…if there’s a chance it helps, why not??

    (or anywhere else where I’ve been around a lot of people.)

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