
Excuse me while I whine for a moment.

I am so tired of being so tired.

Can I get an amen?

I know you’re all in the same boat with me and I shouldn’t complain, because really I have it good… but today I’m having a hard time looking on the bright side.

I’m tired of staying up too late. I’m tired of not being able to get out of bed on time. I’m tired of getting myself and two kids out the door every morning. I’m tired of my 40 minute commute. I’m tired of evenings being rushed. I’m tired of being late for everything. I’m tired of having so many balls in the air. I’m tired of feeling like I’m not doing a good job at anything. I’m tired of being in a seemingly-never-ending funk.

I don’t know what my problem is, but I don’t want to feel this way. I don’t want to be this way. But I’m not sure how to fix it.

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8 Replies to “Tired.”

  1. I so feel ya. A teething eight month old, an almost 4 year old, pets, work, commute, house to take care of, and a husband who is on the road about 50% of the time. At the end of the day I’m just so tired I can’t think. I started taking vitamin D and that has seemed to help some. Otherwise I’m just trying to ‘mind over matter’ it and pretend like I can do it.

  2. I am pretty much always exhausted. When you have young kids, is there any other way to be? As you know, you can’t even get any rest on vacation with those little boogers competing for your bed space…I don’t know the answer, cousin. I say start saying “no” as much as you can to anything that is not absolutely necessary. :/

  3. I remember those days very well…I was in constant survival mode. Unfortunately, as you may recall, I finally “crashed.” My solution was part-time working. I realize that is not always an option.

  4. Oh I so understand. But what oh what do we give up doing to give ourselves time to relax? I really dont think there is one thing that I could give up right now and I am about to add more. Wrestling season is fast approaching. I cant not take care of my house my kids and my animals. I cant not go to church. I cant tell the kids they cant do sports and 4-h. And I definitely cant not work. I just have to remember to trust God to help me through and maybe show me where I can step back a little.

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