Earlier this week, our friend Jeannett from Life Rearranged wrote a sponsored post for Toys R Us, but instead of spending her profit from that post on peppermint lattes and manicures, she and two of her kids spent all of the money buying things to donate to Toys for Tots.
Pretty amazing, right? I thought so.
But then Jeannett took it one step further, because she is awesome.
She decided to give one of her readers $100 to do the same thing. That was $100 of her own money, from her heart. To enter, all her readers had to do was leave a comment telling her the nicest thing anyone had ever done for them.
You guys. These comments? They were amazing, and inspiring. (Jeannett has promised to punch Jenny and me in the face if we call her inspiring, but I think she’d agree that that’s an appropriate description of the comments.) (Also? She is inspiring.)
Anyway, Jeannett’s giveaway ended yesterday, but you should still click over and read the comments on her post. You will be glad you did, I promise. Kate and I read them together, and we had to keep taking turns reading them aloud because we kept getting choked up.
So, because Jenny and I were so moved by this whole thing, we’ve decided to completely rip off Jeannett’s idea and do the same thing here on Mommin’ It Up. We’re going to give one reader $100 to do something good this holiday season. We don’t care what it is (although we do want to hear about it!), just something good.
But we’re going to have to move quickly, because Christmas is like 24 hours away. Or 13 days. Something like that. So we’ll close comments on Tuesday, December 17 and randomly choose a winner.
And to make sure our idea-ripping-off is complete, we are going to have the same rules as Jeannett:
1. You must use the money to do good, however you see that. Toys for Tots, donations to a food pantry, adopt a family – whatever. Just something that is kind and will make someone else happy.
2. You must have a social media account of some kind. Whether its a personal Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, whatever. Just some way to share at least one photo of what you decided to do.
3. Take a pic and tag Mommin’ It Up (on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter) so we can see what you’ve done and enjoy it with you, and share it with all of our readers.
4. Shady people need not apply. Don’t enter if you’re going to blow it on Mt. Dew and cheez puffs. (Not that I know anyone who eats those things. *cough*Jenny*cough*).
Just leave ONE comment telling us:
I cannot wait to hear.
This didn’t specifically happen to me, but to my mom. My dad passed away last month. My family has never really had money and has always struggled financially. My mom didn’t know how she was going to pay for his funeral. So many family members and friends showed up for the vistitation or at my parents’ house and just handed my mom money ranging from $50-$1000. She was speechless and in tears. They expected nothing in return. It was absolutely amazing!
What a great idea. Love it. I would use the $$ for a cause near and dear to my heart, The Dragonfly Foundation of Cincinnati. They help put smiles on kids faces who are undergoing cancer treatments.
Whoops – I didn’t follow instructions. The nicest thing someone did for me was when I had surgery and all my friends rallied to provide meals for my family. It was so nice to not have to worry about that for a few weeks.
A week or so after my third child was born, I was at home with all of them. The house was a wreck. I was totally sleep deprived and feeling depleted trying to keep everyone happy. Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang. With baby in arms I opened the door to find a friend there with a laundry basket that she had packed up with a delicious home cooked meal that she had prepared. She also included a berry cobbler and ice cream for dessert. She fed my family for the evening but she also fed one tired momma’s need to be cared for as well. It was a complete surprise and something I still think about six years later!
I have been so blessed by others that it’s hard to pick one thing, so I will pick something recent. I was shopping at Aldi with my three youngest kids, and they were wearing me out! As we stood in line to checkout, all three decided they needed to be out of the cart and sliding around on the floor in empty boxes. It was a major parenting fail. I used to pride myself on my children’s good behavior when we’re out and about (most of the time), but this day I was exhausted and my kids were tag teaming me! We made it out to the van where I had a stern talking-to with my son before I proceeded to bag and load all of my groceries. As I was finishing up, a lady about my mother’s age pulled up and gave me a quarter and told me she was returning my cart for me (I was parked pretty far out, so this was a major good deed). Then she sweetly told me that I’m a good mom and to keep on keeping on. She reached into her pocket and handed me $3 and told me to get the kids some fries or something on the way home. I cried and hugged her. I was so touched by her thoughtfulness and encouragement. I’m so thankful for the encouragers that God has placed in my path just when I need them!
I have a friend who is very frugal. You might call her tight…but let’s just go with frugal, mmmkay? Holiday spirit and all that? Well, several years ago, Mark and I were in DIRE financial straits thanks to circumstances and choices. And I finally broke down and admitted it to her and a couple other close friends. The very next day, she mailed me a gift card to Walmart. I know that seems so small. But it wasn’t. Her unusual generosity – and the fact that she had extra to give because of her GOOD choices while I was in such need because of some BAD choices – blew me away, and I’ve never forgotten it.
Also? You guys are AWESOME to do this. My church does the same thing – giving cash to every single family who attends on a “surprise” day in December and asking them to match it if possible and use it to do good no matter what. If I happen to win this giveaway, I’ll combine my church money with this money and do something awesome (“something awesome” sounds better than TBD, right?). So thank you.
My house was broken into last week while my daughter and i were out. My husband came home for a bit, but had an important meeting that he had to get back for.
My amazing dad dropped everything so spend the rest of the day with us so I felt safer. He then stayed late into the evening installed a new door with my husband. When my cousin found out what happened, he said he was going to spend the next day with us. So bright and early he came, and just kept us company and kept up conversation so I didn’t think about it. He even kept my 18 month old occupied multiple times during the day when I was on the phone with insurance, the detectives, etc.
Both my dad and my cousin giving up their entire days for me to feel safe was absolutely the nicest thing that anyone has done recently.
Just over a year ago, we were struggling financially. Having to decide between paying the electric bill or buy groceries for your seven children, is a horrible place to be. Well during my meltdown a friend/neighbor popped over. I explained our situation, and she loved on me and offered her prayers. Later that evening she and her husband were visiting and I had to run to the store for diapers and a few things. My friend came along. We went through self checkout, and as I turned to get my purse, she slipped cash into the machine, paying for my items. She then placed more cash into my hand. I stood right there in Meijer, crying.
One thing I always remember was over 12 years ago when I was newly married and had a new job I had recently started. It was a rainy day and I was trying to get to work when my windshield wiper blades basically fell out of the wiper thingys and I couldn’t see anything in the pouring. I’ve learned a lot since then, but at the time I was clueless on how to fix them – and it was before I ever had a cell phone to call the hubby to talk me through it. I pulled over at a gas station, panicking that I was going to be late at my new job and just started crying trying to mess with the wipers and fix them. Out of nowhere this sweet man came up to me in the rain and patiently got me fixed up and talked to me in the meantime while I calmed down. I remember he told me the Lord always looks out for his children and he prayed with me before he left and we both went on our way. To this day I wonder if that was an “angels unaware” exerience. It sure felt like it.
We are blessed by family and friends who are always supportive and giving! The most recent event that ones to mind is our preparation for Christmas gifts. We have a very small budget this year, so most items are going to be handmedowns. My daughter however wants (no, NEEDS!!) an American Girl Doll. That however is not in the budget. After whining to a close friend, she said her mother stashed away her own AGD from years ago in their basement, and she would love it if my daughter could use and love on it! I am so thrilled and excited to gift her with a blessing from someone else!
While I honestly can’t focus on what someone has done for me right now, I want to tell you what I WOULD do with the money. Today, a family in Kettering tragically lost their home, many family members and everything they own. I teach at the school where these children are students. We lost one of our precious preschoolers today. The third grader has been left with no grandfather, no mother…she lost her two younger brothers as well. She has a father in the ICU. She does have her older sister who was a student in our school a few years ago. The two girls were the only two to safely escape the fire. This money could buy them the things they need to get through this difficult time. That’s where I would put the $100.
Kathy- that sounds just awful! Do you know if there is an address where we can send donations for this family? What are some immediate needs, etc.
Any items can be dropped off at Indian Riffle Elementary in Kettering. We are currently collecting gift cards/money from staff so they can ourchase what they need. The surviving girls are in 3rd/8th grade. I know the third grader is a size 7/8. The 8th grader is size 10/11. Dad wears a large/XL. I’m sure they’d appreciate anything. Thank you for asking.
If you are out of town and read this and would like to send a gift card or other donation, here is the school address.
Indian Riffle Elementary
Attn: Mobley Family Fund
3090 Glengarry Rd.
Kettering, OH 45420
One of the kindest things someone has ever done for me, was pay to have my house cleaned professionally while recovered from back surgery a few years ago. She didn’t want anything in return, she just saw a huge need and met it. I still smile thinking about it!
One of the great things about this is that it really forces you to think about all the awesome things people have done for you. Had to take a moment just to be grateful before posting!
Too many things to pick, but most recently, when I was feeling totally overwhelmed with our already-crazy schedule and a newly added toddler, a friend brought dinner and then lined up 4 more people from our church to do the same. It’s no small task to make a meal for 7 people, and most of them even made it gluten free!
Love this idea!
Just recently a family we have met in the last year–who are both unemployed and relocating in January-gifted 5 members of my family 1400 dollars EACH for a missions trip (we weren’t sure we could afford) they are going on in March…why was this one of the nicest things for me? Because anyone who loves our kids that much and helps us spur their love of The Lord on has given me an incredible blessing.
Some of our friends from PNG are giving my husband and me enough frequent flyer miles and points for a vacation WITH hotel for a few days. WHAT!?!? I love these folks and their generosity. They recognize a couple who really needs to get away from their children. (I’m not sure if that is the nicest ever, but that is on my mind since it was totally out of the blue.) If I win, I will give you the address for someone else we went to college with whose family has been out of work for six months. ;/ I would give them the money. I did a giveaway like this two years ago and my reader took the money to a shelter for a kids backpack program. It was SO COOL to see how God pays generosity forward. I love it. http://www.katrinaryder.com/2012/01/18/save-to-give-2011-finale-prize/
My husband has been in and out of the hospital since August. Family and friends have watched my two young kids and brought food to the house and hospital. The kids teachers have been rocks for them to lean on when they need it. We also have many at the school and out that have offered prayers. We even had people come over to put up Christmas decorations! I could not have survived this time without all of their help.
The nicest thing anyone has done for me award would without a doubt go to my best friend of 20 years. After my separation from my husband, I had to resign from my job and could no longer afford rent and other bills. I had a 9 month old baby and 2 other children to worry about and had no idea where we were going to live. She was kind enough to take my 3 children and myself in to her home for a year while we got on our feet. Without her we probably would have been bouncing from place to place without a permanent residence, even though it was only a year. I would love the chance to pay that love forward this holiday season!
When I got on the train as usual to go to work, I was looking for my train pass but realize that I didn’t have it. I don’t know if I lost it or left it at home. I then searched for my wallet and try to give the conductor cash to pay for the fare. However, I didn’t have any cash with me. I was so embarrassed and the conductor said I have to get off at next stop to go to the ticket booth. They will accept credit card there. As I was ready to get off, another lady on the train just pull out some cash to pay for my fare. I was so thankful and she didn’t even want to give me some contact information for me to give her money back. She said just pay for next time when someone didn’t have money to pay for fares. I’m thankful for a stranger to help pay for my train ticket.
So many have been kind to me over the years. I will share a time when my husband went over and beyond. I was struggling with burn-out and depression and felt that I had to give up my job, which was the main trigger of my problems. But I saw no way out. He said that I needed to let him worry about it all. He took money out of his retirement fund to take care of current obligations. I was able to take a year off to fully recuperate and regain my strength and stability. I then was able to work part-time and find a place to use my training and abilities that was in line with my ideals and character. He is my hero. He truly rescued me. If I were to be the winner, I would use the money to help a single mom who is working very hard to make ends meet.
There is so much, I don’t even know where to start! One year we were really struggling, my husband was really sick, and we had just gotten home from visiting family for the holidays and we found multiple grocery gift cards in our mail with no return address.
One year someone left money on our windshield – no note or anything.
And the kindest thing ever done, was once again when we were getting by just barely – someone adopted us for Christmas and left a garbage FULL for EACH of my children with clothes and toys for Christmas. I’m crying just thinking back to that kindness.
I don’t know if it’s the NICEST thing anyone has ever done for me, but it was the first thing that came to mind: when we were moving from SC to TN, a friend showed up on my doorstep with cleaning supplies in hand to help me do “whatever needed doing”. She didn’t ask in advance, just showed up and worked! It was a lovely gesture I’ve never forgotten.
IF I won your $100, I’d put all of it toward my Salvation Army Red Kettle (virtual) drive. It’s kind of empty right now :).
Lovely idea…y’all bless me in the doing!
I just love that you’re doing this. I think the nicest thing anyone has done for is my mom taking care of my kids every day while I work. She does this for no pay, and she buys all their diapers and food and everything at her house. If I win the money, I would use it to help a single mom who doesn’t have the luxury of free child care.
Things were a bit overwhelming when we first got our first baby. Adding a fourth kid to the mix and all the crazy that a foster baby adds on top of this, whew. Well while I was provided with meals with each of my birth kids and often reciprocate when friends have meals, I honestly would never think to do so with a foster baby (or sadly even an adopted baby) even though the experience is pretty much the same. I had a few friends show up with meals and I was blown away at their foresight. It was really a blessing.
When I was a single mom, my ex was supposed to be paying child support but he didn’t. Times were really rough and I couldn’t pay all of my bills. Unfortunately my car got repossessed and I was left without. My grandparents paid in full a slightly used Toyota Corolla and faxed me the title, in my name. It was the most amazing thing someone has ever done for me. IF it weren’t for that vehicle, I couldn’t have the one that I have now. I wish that they were still alive so that I could tell them how much I appreciate (still) that enormous gesture.
I am usually the person to pay for the person behind me, donate or give my time to help. Unfortunatly, this past year my husband threw me out of the house again. I had some great friends offer their home and who fed me daily until i could get support a job and get on my feet.
3 years ago, my mom was going downhill quickly. I was spending all day at work, then going to the hospital (and then in her last days to their house) for the evenings. It was nearly impossible to get dinner together for my husband and I, while also trying to get my Dad to remember to eat, too. One of my best friends from college sent a $100 Panera gift card to help take care of food for us for a while.
That same friend, when mom passed away, helped organize airport runs and accommodations for 7 of my friends to come to Ohio from different states for her funeral. I didn’t know they were coming until they all came into the viewing together. I had done pretty well keeping it together up to that point, but sharing tears with them was an incredibly special moment, and I am so thankful to her for making it happen.
We have been so blessed with many nice things done for us and have been so touched over the years by each act of love. During Christmas of 2008 I was pregnant with twins that had TTTS. Right after Thanksgiving that year, I was put on the strictest bed rest until I was to give birth in April. At the time I also had a 2 year old and a 1 year old. My husband and I had to make lengthy trips once a week (some times twice) to Ohio State University for the doctors to watch the twins growth closely. My husband was a school teacher and we didn’t have a lot of money. We were overjoyed and shocked by all the loving, caring people who showed up with bags of groceries, dinners made, hands willing to help where needed (taking care of my kids, me, doing the laundry,etc.), gift cards for food or gas… people taking time out of their busy Christmas schedules to care for me and my family was truly heart changing for all of us. God knows your needs and he will always provide! Every act of kindness we received I will always hold dear to my heart. I would love to be a giver and bring someone this kind of joy and love at this time of year!!
I got into a stupid situation with one of my children. I needed help desperately. One of the teachers at my children’s school happened by. She stayed with me until help came, kept me calm and kept my son calm. She was nine months pregnant and it was extremely hot outside. Later, she admitted that when the situation was over she got into her own car and sobbed. I will never forget her kindness.