Stocking Stuffers for Dudes (and a giveaway!)

I don’t know about you, but my most desperate Christmas errand every year generally involves shopping for stocking stuffers for Bobby. My mom sighs and moans about getting stocking stuffers for my brothers and Bobby, and now, my teenage nephews, too! I mean men…are just…so difficult to  shop for in general, but especially when it comes to tiny stocking-sized items (unless those items cost $200 and up)!

Well, if you’re wondering about the perfect stocking stuffer for the token male in your household, I’ve got the perfect solution for you – and a giveaway, to boot!

May I present to you…The Gillette Fusion ProGlide Styler razor and Fusion ProGlide Clear Shave Gel! (And yes, your eyes do NOT deceive you! It’s a razor! It’s a trimmer! It’s pretty fantastic!)

Bobby has been using the Gillette Fusion for years, but when they came out with the ProGlide, he pronounced it, “The best razor that has ever been made.” And that’s all he will use! His face is now very particular (and smooth as a baby’s butt after he shaves with that Fusion ProGlide every morning!) Isn’t he cute and clean-shaven?


So, Bobby will definitely be getting some more Gillette gear (he loves the skin care/shaving products, too!) in his stocking to go with his Fusion ProGlide trimmer. (And his Chapstick and wintergreen Tums, woohoo!) Because Bobby likes shaving with the Fusion ProGlide, and I like it when Bobby shaves!

And now…for a giveaway! TWO, count ’em TWO of you are going to win a Gillette Fusion ProGlide trimmer & clear shave gel to go in your man’s stocking! Woot woot! To enter, just leave a comment on this post telling me whose stocking this prize pack will go in! One winner will be chosen at random on Friday, December 20th. And SPEAKING of December 20th – we’ve got a Gillette #GiftofStyle Twitter party that afternoon from 2-3 pm EST and I’d love it if you’d join us!

Good luck!


Gillette totally hooked me up with a razor & shave gel for the hubs, and I am being compensated for this post by Gillette and the Motherhood. All opinions are my own and my hubby’s!

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35 Replies to “Stocking Stuffers for Dudes (and a giveaway!)”

  1. I hope Bobby doesn’t read the post. I know you wouldn’t want to give away the surprise.

    The razors would go to my husband, which would go well with the trimmer I got him since he has decided to grow a Grizzly Adams beard.

  2. My dad LOVES these razors! My hubs is a Schick Hydro man. I wonder if some free razors would convince him to switch. 🙂

  3. My men love Gillette too! It would go to one of them-hubby or one of the 3 sons we now have shaving-rob, JudAh or jared!

  4. I would love to be able to give this to my hubby….we arent able to exchange gifts this year so it wouljd be awesome to put this in his stocking..he totally wouldnt expect it!!

  5. My hubby’s of course! He could really use it too!
    chantal cooper
    chantalgiardina (at) yahoo (dot) com

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