Here are your random numbers:
77 120 135 67 114
The winners of the five $100 Burlington Coat Factory gift cards are:
Sheila, not-so-evil SIL (who just happens to be MY sister-in-law, I SWEAR this is RANDOM!), PollyS, Telisha, and Michelle!
Congratulations! I will be emailing you all for your address so I can get these in the mail!
Then pretty please, shop til you drop, and post about your experience on your blog, and email me so I can link to it!! If you don’t have a blog, please email me a picture of all you got and a description of your experience and I’ll post it here.
Congratulations and I hope you are able to pay this forward!!
Shut up! I never win anything. This prize is made all the more thrilling because we can treat a family in need this year – thank you for helping us spread the holiday spirit!