What can I say? We are good at partying!

The Ultimate Mom’s Night Out party was last Thursday and it was AMAZING!  My fellow hostesses and I were shocked when we opened registration a couple of weeks ago and the party sold out in an HOUR!!  We ended up with a wait list of over 30 people!  So we will have to find a bigger venue for the next big event!  I want to say a very special thank-you to our Primary sponsors One2One Network, Old Navy, Lifestages Centers for Women, A Modern Eden, Chick-fil-A, Oakwood Massage, and At Peace Wellness for showing our attendees an AWESOME time!  Here are some photos of the fun!

Hello! Yummiest party food EVER! I *love* Chick-Fil-A!

Amaaaazing pastries from Rinaldo’s Bakery. (Thanks Amanda of My Everyday Blog for the pic!)  And there was even MORE sugar in store…

amazing cupcakes
These cupcakes made by Kristi Demeter were to die for!

Lollies Lollies Lollies!
My BFF Luanne made these amazing cake lollipos – she calls them Lulee’s Lollies. It’s CAKE ON A STICK, people!  Go order some!!

So as you can see, we were on *quite* a sugar high!

Which is, I’m sure what led to whatever is going on between Katie and Becky in this photo:

*Ahem* (thanks again Amanda for this shot!)

But mostly, the night was of eating, drinking, mingling, meeting new people, winning awesome prizes, relaxing (MASSAGES, hello!!) and just having FUN together:

moms partyin'



(I love this nerd girl!)

Thanks again to our sponsors for a wonderful, wonderful much-needed night!  You can see more photos of the fun at our Flickr stream here.

Secondary Sponsors

Product Sponsors

Were you lucky enough to attend the Ultimate Mom’s Night Out?  If so, what was your favorite part?

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Transform Us, Please!!

Ok, so, the title of this post may be a bit misleading.  Emily and I do not want to be turned into robots that can turn into semi-trucks nor do we want to go on Extreme Makeover and get new noses (among other things) –  but we are super-excited to say that our KITCHENS are going to be transformed!!! Can you say DREAM COME TRUE??  We are thrilled beyond belief to announce that we are Granite Transformations Trendsetter Bloggers (that’s what that button in our sidebar is all about!)  Granite Transformations is providing us with new kitchen countertops (which they make themselves!) for freezies, and they are re-facing our kitchen cabinets, which Emily and I are paying for but at a nice discount.

And we. ARE SO. EXCITED!!!

Perhaps you remember that I lovingly refer to my kitchen as “the eyesore of my house:”  well, now you know why:

And for another beautiful view:

Besides the new kitchen floor that my darling husband gave me for our 10th anniversary, I pretty much hate it.  The countertops are cheap and the cabinets are crap!

So when Jacob and Nick from the Dayton office of Granite Transformations came over last week and showed me how they can make my kitchen beautiful – without ripping it it out and making it non-functional – in just three or four DAYS I was so happy!! They were so nice and knowledgeable.  I had a lot of questions about HOW the heck they were gonna be able to work with my kitchen  (it has serious problems!!) and they answered them all and assured me they can make it happen!

Don’t be jealous Bobby Rapson, but I really can’t wait to see these guys again!

Oh hi, it’s Emily now! Like Jenny said, we are extremely excited about this opportunity. Our kitchen is ok, but our house was built in the mid-90s and our kitchen shows it! (and yes it disturbs me as much as it does you to realize that things from the mid-90s are now outdated – but it’s been 15 years!) I have been wanting new counter tops for, like, ever (or maybe three out of the four years we’ve lived in our house), and my husband has very strong (negative) feelings toward our cabinets, so we are both equally excited about the transformation our kitchen is about to undergo.

The best part? We don’t have to do any of it! (Well, except paint and change the light fixtures and put down a new floor – hey we might as well go for the gold, right?) Because people? We are not handy.

(Apparently I am parentheses-happy this morning, my apologies.)

So. Here’s what we’ve got to work with:


As you can see (sort of, in the high-quality pics from my cell phone), our cabinets are oak-ish and have a distinct lack of hardware, which I do not enjoy, and our counter tops are run-of-the-mill vinyl. And our floor is awful (and also the bane of my existence, because it has 9 million groves per square inch that hold onto dirt for dear life. Any flooring companies out there who are dying to get in on this project, give me a call).

But in just a few weeks, it’s going to look entirely different, and it’s going to be awesome.

Since neither Jenny nor I see home decorating as our forte, I thought it would be fun to turn to you for advice as to what would look best in our kitchens! Please leave a comment letting us know what you think we should pick for our counters and cabinets (and if you could tell me what color to paint my walls, too, I would be eternally grateful. I am awful at picking out paint!). If you want to see what our options are, click over to the Granite Transformations website. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

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You’re Invited to the Ultimate Mom’s Night Out!

Remember back in May when Tricia and I hosted a little party here in Dayton just ’cause we love parties and getting Moms together?  Well, many of those who attended were eagerly asking “When is the next one??” on the way out the door.  Our friend Kate, who has a passion for getting moms together, was eager to plan a summer event so we got her on board and formed a terrific threesome of party-planning.  And so, ladies, GET EXCITED for the Ultimate Mom’s Night Out!  It is Thursday July 29th at FORGE (same fabulous venue as last time!)  Tickets are free but SPACE IS LIMITED so y’all need to click HERE to RSVP ASAP!

We’ve upped the ante on this party; if you loved the last one, you’re notgonnabelieeeeve this one!  Here are our FABULOUS sponsors:

Primary Sponsors:

Lifestages – Samaritan Centers for Women is not just any OB-GYN practice. It’s built around the core belief that each woman is unique and that all women deserve the best care available. Their staff of physicians, certified nurse practitioners, and certified nurse midwives offer quality gynecologic, obstetric, and health promotion services to keep you healthy at every stage of life.

Old Navy is the place to shop to keep the whole family in style at the right price. They’ve got great clothes and accessories for moms, dads, kids, baby and even maternity!

One2One Network is the women’s word of mouth marketing network. Sign up as a member and you’ll get opportunities to try new products, participate in fun marketing campaigns, and provide *real* feedback to companies. Join a great group of women and get started product sampling, reviewing, and partying with One2One!

Chick-fil-a – They invented the chicken sandwich!? Need I say more? Chick-fil-a is a great place for families and kids to eat and play anytime. From their chicken nuggets, to their famous waffle fries, to the fresh-squeezed lemonade, everything is delicious and incomparable!

A Modern Eden – A beautiful, whimsical brand that you and your kids will love. Deck the walls with their colorful posters,save the world in style with their re-usable totes, and hey – teach your kid a think or two with their iPhone app and animal flashcards!

Oakwood Massage – the Miami Valley’s first massage therapy clinic continues to provide wonderful relaxation and wellness treatments over 20 years later. Check them out on Main Street in Centerville to see why they have over 400 satisifed clients every month.

At Peace Massage & Wellness in the north Dayton area aims to keep their clients’ minds cleared and bodies restored through massage, wellness classes, and yoga classes. They’ve got a variety of treatments and services to meet your specific physical and wellness needs.

Secondary Sponsors

The Motherhood.com is an amazing online community for moms, where you can connect and converse with others moms who share your interests and struggles. The Motherhood also partners with your favorite national brands and helps them work with moms in real and innovative ways.

Product Sponsors:

Did you notice we are having MASSAGES people?? So come prepared to get pampered, eat really good Chick-fil-a, have fun with your girlfriends, win lots of prizes and get some great SWAG!  And mostly, just relax and ENJOY yourself!

You can register HERE, (first 50 get a ticket – after that we will do a wait list!) and check out our Facebook page here.

We cannot wait to see you there!!

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