Making Back-to-School Fun

For families with kids, nothing marks the passing of time quite like the first day of school. I’d say it’s even more momentous than New Year’s Eve, and not only because I’m actually awake. It’s a big part of our kids’ identities… for a year, a first- or second- or third- grader is what they are.

Going back to school requires a lot of preparation – shopping for school supplies, getting new clothes and shoes – and it’s also a big shift in routine. I know it’s going to take our family some time to adjust to using our evenings just to prepare for the next day. There will be lunches to pack and clothes to lay out and baths to give… and we’re all going to have to start going to bed a lot earlier!

In other words – back to school is a big deal!

And things that are a big deal for my kids tend to bring out the obsessive compulsive side of my personality (which is typically so buried beneath the surface, right? *ahem*), so of course I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time lately thinking about how to make the first day special, and to make it fun.

And by “thinking about,” I mean “googling.”

I’ve discovered all sort of fun things other (more organized, crafty, or thoughtful) people do to create BTS traditions for their kids. The obvious being, of course, the requisite first-day-of-school picture.

I ran across an article on with a number of suggestions for creative ways to do the pictures. One idea was to add text to a photo that says the kid’s age and grade, and a few of their favorite things. I really like that one. I also like this idea, which I completely ripped off of that post:

Cute, huh?

Besides the picture, though, there are a million was to celebrate the first day back to school. A treat in their lunch, a trip to the playground after school, letting the school kid decide what to have for dinner… the list goes on.

So tell me, how do you and your family make back to school fun?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Country Crock via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Country Crock.

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Say S’mores

As I told you a few weeks ago, I’m helping Hershey’s get the word about about their Say S’mores campaign this summer. I’d like to invite you all to participate too – you can upload your favorite s’mores-themed picture on the Hershey’s facebook page, and you’ll be entered to win a bunch of prizes. The grand-prize is a Canon Rebel Camera, slate marble outdoor firebowl, $250 SnapFish gift card, roasting skewers set and all of the ingredients needed to make S’mores, including Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bars. And everyone can get a $1 coupon for Hershey’s chocolate bar 6-packs by filling out a Say S’mores application.

It may be too hot for a camp fire, but it’s never too hot for s’mores! Check out how Kate and I made some last night:

The result? Ooey, gooey s’mores goodness.

Sam loved them!

We want you to have s’more s’mores of your own (am I clever or what?) so we’re giving away a package containing everything you need to make some! To enter, just leave a comment on this post. The contest will end on August 5 and a winner will be chosen randomly. (Because of shipping, it’s only open to US residents.) Good luck!

This post is part of my participation in the Hershey’s “Say S’mores” Promotion. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Visit Texas… in Ohio

This summer, Texas Tourism is taking the state on the road with Texas on Tour. They’ve got an interactive mobile exhibit that makes visitors feel like they are in Texas. You can kayak through the waves of the Gulf of Mexico (thanks to virtual reality!), have your picture taken at the Alamo, or perform on their entertainment stage.

Andy, Kate and I vacationed in Texas a few years ago and we absolutely loved it. What I’m wondering is if they’re able to bring food from Texas on the road, because that was my favorite part!

Texas on Tour is headed to the Ohio State Fair July 27-31, the Iowa State Fair August 11-21, and the Minnesota State Fair August 25-28. If you’re headed to the fair this year, make sure to check it out! And even if you’re not, take a look at the website – if the display is as high-tech and impressive as the website, I’m sure it’s amazing. You can also find more information on their Facebook page and you can follow them on Twitter.

Need an incentive to pop on over to Texas on Tour? Here’s one for you – you can enter to win a trip for two to Texas. Click here to enter. Good luck!

I’m being compensated by Texas Tourism for helping to get the word out about Texas on Tour.

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