Happy birthday Jen-Jen

Hello from virginia! Jenny and I spent this holiday weekend with our families and her parents at their home in the mountains. We had a really great time.

I’m writing this post from my cell phone, so this is going to be short and sweet, but I want to wish jenny a very happy birthday today. She’s now 34! It seems like just yesterday that we did a giveaway to celebrate her 30th.

Happy birthday cousin. I love you!

Enjoy your mid-thirties. heh.

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Return to Routine

School Daze

Kate and Andy are (finally) going back to school on Tuesday, and I’m more than a little bit nervous about our family getting back on a regular schedule. We’ve all enjoyed later bedtimes and (somewhat) later wake times (for them, not so much for me) throughout the summer and I am afraid it’s going to be a rough adjustment.

Then there’s everything that has to be done in evenings during the school year… homework, paper shuffling, lunch packing, bath time, and, you know, dinner. And the mornings! Backpacks and drop offs and… oh, I am so used to just getting myself out the door in the morning.

Not to mention that I’ve gotten rather used to coming home to a clean house and clean laundry and everything else while Andy’s been home this summer.

This is so not going to be good!!!

For those of you who are already into the swing of things… how have you done it? Any tricks that you’ve found to make your evenings and mornings run more smoothly?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Country Crock via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Country Crock.

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Mobile Kitchen

Between my Droid X phone and my Xoom tablet, I’m finding that I use one or the other for just about everything. One of the most surprising ways I’ve integrated mobile technology into my life is in the kitchen. I pull up recipes on my Xoom and put it on my kitchen counter – it works perfectly. The Xoom makes it easy to zoom in and out, too, using two fingers, which helps me read some of the recipes.

Now, you all know how well I can cook… so believe it or not, from time to time I need a question answered. Having the internet right there in the kitchen is very convenient! I have googled everything from “how to cut a mango” to “how to unclog a garbage disposal.” I love having instructions, videos and conversion information right at my fingertips. The Xoom’s browser has tabs, which makes it easy to flip back and forth from reference material to a recipe.

The Android Market has hundreds of apps that are helpful in the kitchen. Here are a few that I’m going to check out:

Of course, I can use the Xoom’s camera to take pictures (or even videos) of the masterpieces I create in the kitchen…

Or I can use it to tweet/facebook the disasters I create, solely for the amusement of my friends and family.

Mobile technology FTW!

Verizon Wireless hooked us up with a Motorola Xoom and 6-months of service as part of their “Midwest Moms” campaign.

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