Happy Presidents’ Day

I randomly came across this video and had to share – what better way to commemorate the Presidents of the United States than with the Animaniacs?

My sister and I had this memorized during high school. It was a neat party trick. And possibly explains why we weren’t invited to many parties.

Be back tomorrow!

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Live Talk on TheMotherhood.com!

I’m co-hosting a live chat tomorrow with author Rachel Simmons, and I’d love for you to join us!

From her website:
Rachel Simmons is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls, and The Curse of the Good Girl: Raising Authentic Girls with Courage and Confidence. As an educator, Rachel works internationally to develop strategies to reduce bullying and empower girls.

The talk will be focused on helping our daughters to discover and embrace the best parts of their authentic selves. It’s a topic I’m passionate about, and I’m sure you are too.

The conversation will take place on Tuesday, January 31 at 12:00 p.m. EST, on TheMotherhood.com.

Hope to “see” you there!

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Lands’ End – Looks that Last

As I’ve been writing about Lands’ End outfits in the last couple of months, I’ve focused on the versatility of their clothing. From the office to kids’ activities to date nights, they’ve got you covered. That goes for holiday parties as well, of course, but like I’ve said before – as women, we’re not likely to buy an outfit that serves only one purpose. We want things we can wear again and again. Here’s an example of an outfit that’s perfect for the Christmas season, but will transfer well to the rest of winter as well.

We’ll start with the Women’s Regular Long Sleeve Cable Turtleneck Dress.

Isn’t it pretty? It also comes in black, but I just love the Rich Red. It’s made from merino wool, which is soft and comfortable (and not scratchy at all). The cable knit adds a lovely design, without being bulky. I love this dress – it really looks and feels great.

It’s a great choice for a Christmas party… you could even add the Tartan Plaid Flower Pin for a little added festiveness (is that a word? Probably not, but you know what I mean. Festivity? Not sure. Anywho…)

But wait!

Want to wear it to the office in January? Belt it and wear black pumps, like in the picture above. Perfect.

OR, you could dress it down slightly and go with this look:

I love this so much, I can’t even describe it.

Put a white No Iron Pinpoint Cotton Shirt underneath…

Add tights, a belt, and slip on the Elizabeth Mid Heel Boot

And there you go. One dress, three looks.

Love it.

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