Migraines, anyone?

Migraine #1

So today (yesterday, by the time you’re reading this) I had a weird medical experience. (I’ve been having a lot of weird medical experiences lately, come to think about it!) I have diagnosed myself with a migraine, but since I’ve never had one before, I’m looking to you, interwebs, for confirmation of this.

I woke up in the morning feeling nauseated and sick to my stomach… just not right. I slept in for a while but had to go to work for a few meetings. Everything hurt – my skin was sensitive to the touch, and walking seemed like an insurmountable chore. I don’t remember having a headache at that point, though. I went to one meeting, slept in my car during my lunch hour, and then went back for three solid hours of meetings, during which is was almost impossible to sit still. I was so uncomfortable! I did not get the friendly co-worker of the day award. After that, I went to get Sam and drove home, although I had a hard time deciding which sounded worse – driving home, or waiting another 50 minutes for Andy to come pick me up. Anyway, when I got home, I turned on a TV show for Sam and went straight to bed. Andy and Kate got home 10 minutes after we did, and I didn’t wake up at all. I didn’t wake up for another two hours, actually, but when I did, I had the worst headache I have ever had in my life. Andy and the kids had gone to Subway, and I couldn’t bring myself to get up out of bed to take medicine, even! Not long after that, Andy stopped at home and brought me Advil (I insisted on taking 4 against his recommendation!) and took the kids to the park. I went back to sleep, and by the time they got home, the medicine had kicked in and I felt so much better. I feel like a new person now.

After some googling, I have determined it was a migraine. Do you concur, Dr. Readers?

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Mobile Technology and our Kids – and a $50 VISA Card Giveaway


These days, many of us have given up our landline phones (except Jenny, obviously) and for our kids, it’s a mobile world. And not just Zach Morris-style mobile, either, but our kids essentially have the world wide web at their finger tips. I was just thinking the other day – I bet Sam doesn’t know how to use a mouse. Everything he comes in contact with has a touch screen. It’s crazy. Of course, it also means they’re exposed to some crazy stuff, and keeping them safe using mobile technology is one more thing we parents have to be diligent about.

It’s new territory, really, and we’re going to have to figure it out together. Fortunately, AT&T is here to help!

AT&T has made a commitment to be a leader in providing education, resources and tools to help families better manage mobile safety, and they are offering the opportunity to one of our readers to attend a virtual Mobile Safety School session – along with a $50 VISA gift card.

The virtual Mobile Safety School schedule is as follows:

Oct. 23 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 8-11
Oct. 24 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 12-14
Oct. 25 at 1p ET – mobile safety for kids 15-17

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment on this post and include which session you would like to attend, should you be the lucky winner. A winner will be chosen at random on Saturday, Oct. 20.

Good luck!

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Mommy Wars: Storytime Edition

We’ve all heard about the Mommy Wars, right? WOHMs (work outside the home moms) vs. SAHMs (stay at home moms) with WAHMs (work at home moms) thrown in every once in a while? It’s all great fun, really. I mean, women pitted against women – rock on. Anywho, as it turns out, Sam’s school is getting in on it as well, spreading propaganda. For the wrong side. I mean, we here at Mommin’ It Up proudly support both (all three) sides of the fence, but hello – this is a daycare we’re talking about. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!

Ok let me back up.

Yesterday was Sam’s turn to take home the Book Sharing Bag from school. He picked a book to bring home to share with his family, and then he picked a book from home to take back and share with his friends.

When we sat down to read his selection, I was a bit perplexed.

“My Working Mom” by Peter Glassman. A man. Shocking.

So the title caught my interest (not to mention the picture – Mom’s job is being a witch?), but I thought perhaps it would be like a book we own called “When Mommy Travels,” which is a great book about a mom taking a business trip.

Yeah, not so much.

Here’s the first page.

“It isn’t easy having a working mom.” Well, ok, strange, but it’s probably rather accurate at times. But it just got worse from there.

It was at this point (page 2) that I started thinking “What the $#@% IS this??” Especially when she enjoys her work? Oh man, that is the worst. I mean, it’s one thing to have a mom who works because she absolutely has to, but to have a mom who likes her job? Sucks.

We read on. For some reason.

People. COME ON. Working moms not only hate their kids but they’re also sucky at the things women are SUPPOSED to do, like cook dinner.

When she’s had a bad day? Mom’s a total witch! Oh wait, Mom being a witch the entire premise of the book.

I totally got to Sam’s school play last year 30 seconds before he went on stage, but that is beside the point. Er, I think.

As I was saying…

But wait! Do not despair – the book has a happy ending!

Moral of the story?

Having a working mom is slightly preferable to being an orphan. Sort of.

I can hardly wait to read the rest of the series. I’ve already put “My Crackhead Mom” and “My Street Walker Mom” on hold at the library.

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