Kids, Never Get in the Car With a Stranger. Unless She’s Me.

We’ve had a hard time getting to the pool this summer already. We had a couple hot days 2 seconds after school let out but oopsie we forgot to pay our pool dues so we had to wait for the check to clear…then it was rainy and 65 for a week…so finally this week it has  been nice and hot and the kids were READY. Monday afternoon the forecast looked like it was going to be ok – maybe some late morning storms before the pool opened, but then we should be good. So the big kids and I suited up and picked Jonah up from summer school and headed straight to the pool.

We almost had our sunscreen applied before the heavens opened and poured rain, lightning, and thunder on us. Everyone ran for the pool’s clubhouse, and after several thunder rumbles in just a few minutes, the (underage  in my opinion) powers that be decided to just CLOSE the pool instead of waiting it out. So people started leaving and there were these 2 boys, maybe 13 and 7, that did not have an adult with them and I was concerned, because the probably-not-qualified people in charge were KICKING US OUT.

So I’m all, “Is your mom coming to get you?” And the older boy replied that she was out and that he had walked to the pool while his little brother rode his bike.

“Well, can I give you a ride? I’m not scary I promise.” No, no, he protested, it wasn’t far and they would be fine.

I was dubious, but I needed to get my own kids packed up before we got  booted out, so I left Joshua in charge of Jonah and sprinted to get the van pulled up close. By this time, the rain was coming down in sheets. I got the van pulled up, and I was already drenched, when I proceeded to get more drenched getting Jonah in the van. I hadn’t gotten in the pool, but you’d never know it by how soaking wet I was.  Right after I got Jonah buckled in, a huge crack of lightning and crazy loud thunder sounded – it was very close by.

I ran back into the clubhouse and decided to try to convince those boys to GET IN MY VAN like a total creeper. I was pretty darn sure if they tried to walk home they would get struck by lightning or drown standing up. The rain was super super heavy.

“Please,” I said, “PLEASE let me take you home. I promise I’m not weird, but I am a mom and I can’t let someone else’s child walk home in this! Do you want to borrow my phone and call your mom and ask if it’s ok?”

I think that giant crack of thunder and lightning did all the convincing for me, because this time the boys were ready to go. They didn’t even want to call their mom. I grabbed the little one’s  bike and popped the back of my van open and ordered the boys to get in. I got SO drenched while putting the bike in my van that my face was completely wet as if someone had tossed a bucket of water on my head. It was nuts!

The boys thanked me profusely and two minutes later we were in their driveway – it really was a short walk, but it would’ve been terrible in that storm.

Of course, by the time we pulled in our own driveway 10 minutes later, the sun was shining.

What-evs. At least I convinced some kids to get in my van!

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It’s Official. I’m the World’s Okayest Mom

Mothersday loot
The kids made me SO MUCH STUFF for Mother’s Day, half of it is not even pictured. 🙂

My children overwhelmed me with gifts of the handmade variety this Mother’s Day, and it was great. There are at least 4 items missing from this picture that have been placed or hung up in places of honor. My little creative kiddos! Even Jonah keeps saying “Make a hand for Mommy!” about his little handprint picture from preschool.

But my “favorite” -if I can have a favorite, was from Sophie. She made me the lovely mod-podged heart box, but what I loved most was the wrapping it came in:

mother's day bag
Clearly the apple has not fallen far from the tree.

This is so Sophie, and I love it!  I’m glad my darling girl has inherited some of her mother’s um…self-confidence. I also love the list she wrote about me. “Top Then Reasons I Love My Mom”.


You will notice that Sophie’s list doesn’t say anything about how perfect my makeup looks every day or how FUN I am. *Ahem*.

But, she seems pretty cool with me covering the basics. I think she’s figuring out that love is in the little things. And even though she didn’t say as much, I’m pretty sure Sophie thinks I’m the World’s Okayest Mom.

And I am honored. I’d be more honored, though, if the title came with a sash.

What did your little darlings make YOU for Mother’s Day?

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Spring BROKE


My big kids are on spring break this week, so you may imagine the many, many colorful curse words I suppressed when I looked out the window and saw THIS travesty yesterday morning.

spring broke

This past weekend was glorious – so glorious in fact, that Joshua’s head exploded with spring allergies and he now looks like he hasn’t slept in about four weeks. But the weather! It was great! We had a whole lot of fun outside together.

And now – it’s  BUTT FREEZING COLD!

And I cannot LET IT GO, Queen Elsa!

I want our spring break un-broken!

Which probably means I should move.

Side note: this cold also apparently BROKE MY BRAIN, because despite that I took this photo long  before we needed to leave the house, when it was time to get the kids out the door, I stood in front of this snow-covered van realizing “OH, I should probably have de-frosted the car and cleaned it off before now. Crap.” Yeah so the kids got to be cold for another couple minutes while I took care of that…

BLERGH. Anyone else TIRED of talking about the weather?

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