Insta-Friday: Because I got nothin’

Once in awhile Emily or I link up with our friend Jeannett at Life Rearranged’s Insta-Friday carnival. Only trouble is, Jeannett is kind of a slacker about posting it in a timely manner. But I’mma give her a pass because she has four kids and pretty much lives at Disneyland. SO…eventually…you should click on over there, too. But NOW! See what’s been happening in MY world!

On Sunday, Cortney skipped church, so my friends Cyrissa, Tess, and I used the power of instagram and text messaging to make her feel like a big ol’ pagan. Because judging and shaming…is what best friends do.

On Sunday, my BFF Luanne’s daughter got married and I instagrammed it up!

Sophie and me before the wedding. Do you like my Lands’ End dress I scored on end-of-season clearance for $5 at Sears?? I do. Or I DID, until halfway through the wedding when Sophie patted my belly and said it looked like there was a baby in there. Ummm…I still like the dress. NOT SURE how I feel about Sophie.


The of course, wedding selfie with my darling husband:

And naturally, wedding selfie with the bust of Charles F. Kettering, inventor of the electric starter for cars. Everyone should thank him! (Wedding was at the Engineers Club in Dayton hence the bust.)

Oh, right, the bride and groom were there too:

Moving on, the next big thing in our lives happened Monday when SOPHIE GOT GLASSES!!!! So exciting, and she is adorable in them. Sadly, she is nearsighted like her mama and will probably end up blind as a bat like I am. I got my glasses in 2nd grade also.

The week kinda went downhill from there. I went to ALDI and got SUPER-EXCITED about all their organic stuff:

And then naturally Jonah and I took a selfie:

Is he not the cutest???

Well, that’s the photographical fun I had this week. How was YOUR week?

Don’t forget to go visit Jeannett at Life Rearranged because she’s awesome. Have a great weekend!

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Building Interest in STEM One GoldieBlox at a Time


I tell Kate all the time that she should major in engineering in college. You know why? Because people with engineering degrees get jobs. Good ones. That pay a lot of money.

To be honest, though, engineering isn’t really on her radar (not that she’s quite ready to choose of vocation at the ripe old age of 10, but still). And she’s not alone – girls are losing interest in math and science as young as age eight, and right now, only 14 percent of engineers are female.

Remember what I said about jobs and money? We are losing out. More importantly, engineers literally build our world; having female perspective and input in how that should look is critical.

For anyone who has ever walked down toy aisles, the origin of this phenomenon is pretty clear – toys designed for boys encourage them to build and create, and toys designed for girls, well, don’t.

Enter GoldieBlox.


GoldieBlox’s mission is to help girls stay interested in engineering and technology past age eight by creating toys and books that they’ll love. GoldieBlox is a series of interactive books and construction sets that help them develop and build spacial skills while having fun.

Kate (and Sam – he had to get in on the action too) had a chance to check out GoldieBlox earlier this week.


In this set, Goldie’s dog Nacho needs a bath. He hates taking a bath, though, so Goldie’s solution is to take him to the carnival and put him in the dunk tank. As kids read along with the story, they build a dunk tank – and develop problem solving skills, learn about spatial relationships, and comprehend basic building principles like hinges and levers.

Kate and Sam built the set, created that video, and texted it to me while I was at work. Add independence to the list of skills honed!

Originally created as a Kickstarter campaign, GoldieBlox went viral and now it’s everywhere. You can buy sets on Amazon, Toys R Us,, or thousands of other stores. I’ll be keeping GoldieBlox in mind for all the girls on my Christmas list!

This post was written in partnership with GoldieBlox and

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School is in SESSION!

Cheers, my friends. All 3 kids are in school! Although they are doing staggered start for Jonah’s preschool so he will be back home tomorrow, I AM STILL TAKING IT. Also, his preschool now starts at 7:30 which is brutal BUT I AM SO HAPPY I don’t care right now!!

I am going to savor my delicious aloneness for 55 more minutes before I have to go pick him up from preschool. Then I am going to hug and kiss him and squeeze him and take his picture because he wouldn’t let me take it this morning. I can’t wait to hear about his first day!

But right now, I have some butt to kick: housework, work work, oh and I need to fit in ONE more cup of coffee. I’ve got some exciting things going on that I can’t wait to tell you about, but…I will wait, until it’s time.

Are your kiddos back in school yet? Are you like me and happy about it or are you actually a good mom and miss them terribly? 🙂

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