Last night we had some friends over for dinner. They have a son, Benji, who will be three in December and despite the age difference, he and Joshua are good buddies. This is partially because Benji, like Joshua at his age, is a very good talker. He talks like a much older child, so he and Joshua can communicate really well.
Recently Benji’s parents have been working with him on potty training, and also like Joshua was at his age, Benji is NOT real thrilled about actually going on the potty, but he likes to talk about the possibility occurring one day.
Which prompted him to ask his mother to where his poop came from.
Which prompted his mother to give him an honest answer.
Which prompted Benji to greet his father at the door with, “Guess what Daddy? My poop comes out my butthole!” this evening.
Which prompted his father to tell that story at dinner tonight.
Which prompted Kool-Aid to practically come flying out my nose.
You gotta love a line like that! And I’d love to know, friends: what’s the darnedest thing your kid ever said?