I Hate it when my Kid is Smarter than I am!

Isn’t it funny how even though we’re supposed to be the ones teaching our
children, we learn so much from them? Maybe it is true that everything we
need to know we learned in kindergarten (or perhaps pre-school). Because
many times, it seems like Kate is much more wise than I am.

A couple weeks ago we were driving in the car with my dad, and I was
telling him exactly what I thought of an aquaintance. I was going on and
on about the mistakes I thought she was making, both professionally and
personally (you know, because I have it all figured out… yeah right!)

All the sudden Kate piped up from the back, “Mommy, worry about YOURSELF!”

Touche, Kate.

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Numero Uno

For the past couple of weeks, my three-year-old, Joshua, has been practicing making the numbers two and three with his fingers. So when you ask him how old he is, he proudly displays three fingers. This morning, we were in the bathroom and I was brushing my hair (after my shower, which I did not get until almost noon, thank you very much) with my back to Joshua. He said, “Hey Mommy, look!” I turned around to see my beautiful son giving me the bird, his middle finger raised proudly in the air. “I made a one!” he announced with glee.

What could I do? He was so proud of himself! I just grinned really big and said, “Good job buddy!” Now if he does it in public, then we’ll have to talk!

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