Last Tuesday was the day I had been waiting for, nay, DREAMING ABOUT since June.
The first day of school!!!
As I have confessed before, I am not a very good summer mom. I just don’t enjoy having all the kids under my feet ALL DAY. And in the big kids’ case, in each other’s faces all day. The reality is that we are all much happier when the kids are in school. And, since Sophie was starting full[day kindergarten, Jonah and I were finally going to have our chance to be one-on-one, and I was truly, truly, anticipating that with joy.
But let me back up a little bit. As I mentioned, Sophie was starting kindergarten!! This is major major major, because almost two years ago when her developmental delays were first diagnosed and I sat at the table with a team from our local public school district, they asked me, “What are your goals for Sophia?” and I answered, “I want her to be able to go to regular kindergarten.”
And she is going to a regular kindergarten. Entering it reading at a first grade level, knowing her sight words up to fourth grade.
All I can say about that is praise the Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you God! We are so grateful.
Sophie was SO excited to go to kindergarten. She ran right into the room and hugged her teacher. She sat at her desk and happily kissed us goodbye. She was so thrilled and happy to be in that classroom that I didn’t even get teary-eyed. I could be nothing but happy for her!

She loved every minute of her first day and every minute since! I love hearing her blow-by-blow reports when she comes home. At parent information night, her teacher said to me, “I think Sophie is going to be a teacher when she grows up.” Which to me, is code for “Sophie enjoys telling everyone in the class what to do.” It made me laugh and did not surprise me one bit!
Joshua, even though he is entering third grade, was a little bit more hesitant about starting school. My sensitive guy was so afraid of the unknown, he would have rather just stayed home with me. But, he had a great day and is having a great year so far, just like I knew he would!

So, after a week, my big kids are doing well in school and enjoying it. And even though I have taken on a part-time work-from-home job, Jonah and I are really enjoying having our alone time, too!

I love my one-on-one time with my boy, just me and him without our lives being ruled by the arduous preschool drop-off/pick-up schedule. I love having that special time with just HIM that I was able to have with Joshua before Sophie came along and with Sophie after Joshua went to school and before Jonah was born. It’s finally the baby’s turn to have mommy all to himself! So far, it’s been awesome! I love, love, love, that baby boy. He and I are having so much fun together, and when the big kids come home from school, we are all happy to see each other and it’s fantastic.
I love school. It rules my world!
Are your kids off to school yet this year?