People, please tell me what I was thinking when I wrote this post? WHY do I think I need to make my kids’ birthday cakes again? WHY?????
I must interrupt this “Ode to SoSo” week to whine about how I just spend the last 40 bajillion hours making cupcakes, making icing, and decorating cupcakes! Sophie’s first party is tonight ( I guess, since it’s the wee hours of the morning right now). Yes, we are having two parties. We are having friends gather at a local pizza place tonight, and having family over to our house on Saturday. Two parties does seem a little extreme but we can’t fit everyone in our house and the first birthday is so special, we didn’t want anyone to miss it! So anyways, for the friends party, I decided to forego the big cake (which I will do for the family party. I will not reveal its identity until after the party!) and just make cupcakes.
Decorated like Sesame Street characters.
Which I thought would be easy.
I am so gullible! They were a pain in the butt!!
But now they’re done, and I can go to bed, and despite my aching feet and back, I am happy. Happy that I never have to do this again. WHAT WAS I THINKING? Just plain store-bought frosting and sprinkles sound REALLY GOOD about now!!
I’ll show you pics of the finished cupcakes tomorrow, but right now I just want to show you pictures of my kitchen counter post-cupcake-a-palooza:

Oh yeah, and here’s my other kitchen counter:

Ok, I’m going to go pass out now!